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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hi - I am planning to get out on Saturday from Poole...weather forcast seems good, light wind etc, and I will have with me one of my friends who only rarely goes fishing. So it would be nice to catch something...!


Recent catch reports haven't seemed very promising ("pants" etc..)...anyone got any hints where to make for where we might get a some reasonable prospects? Other boats in the area would be a bonus too...


(Boat is Quicksiler 580, so we could travel a moderate distance assuming the swell is OK sick.gif )


Any advice much appreciated...Mike F.


you could always head to one of the inshore wrecks if the tides are not to big like the sky or kiara [ think thats how its spelt]


or you could drift the swash for plaice.




The weather does look good. Think I'll try the Swash with some rag and squid just to blow the cob webs off the boat. Hope I see you out there, look out for Arvor 20 "Mad Miller", Although if you do really want to catch fish, don't fish near me. I think the fish repeller is still working.






Thanks Sam and John...I will keep my eyes open for you John...I suspect that my fish-repellent abilities are pretty well developed too! I will see how it looks tomorrow. I am on Arctic Turn.


All the best, Mike F


John,I have a great idea. Our Arvor 25 [pal o mine] Deters even more fish than yours! [logical because its larger ] How about we get our heads together and TAX the other members, NOT to go out together in an area they intend to fish ! Say one fish in 5 that they catch,whilst we are not around.that way,we would end up with more fish than we do now ,and look at the money saved.Theres a mad logic in there somewhere...jack dry.gif




Although yours is bigger than mine!!!, It's not size that counts, it's how you use it. I can use mine in all manner of situations, all weathers and all conditions on almost any day and acheive 100% success. As proved yesterday in the Swash.


It did however attract a broken down boat that was running on a small auxillary engine (seagull). They wanted a tow into the harbour as they thought their small engine was not up to much more, especially through the harbour entrance.


They had not caught anything either. So it could be that my fish deterent is contagious and is now affecting mechanical items also.




My fish repeller was also working most of the day... With the lovely calm conditions we kept on the move...

Started off drifting near Ballard Down..nothing

Anchored for a while instead of drifting...nothing.

Went out to the Spoil Grounds.....nothing

Went to Poole Patch....nothing

Then headed over to Christchurch ledge and had about 10 wrasse between two of us, and one very (very very) small pollock. One of the wrasse was about 4lbs one 3lbs, the rest were small. (one very nice purple cookoo wrasse).

Then back to the Swash channel ...nothing.


anyway is was a lovely day to be out....


All the best, Mike F.



You are right Bob, we were very happy to catch something, ....and it was such a lovely day too...


One not-so-happy thought though....we returned all the fish, but many of the wrasse looked like their swim bladder had expanded...making them prolapse. Anyone know whether the fish would have recovered? Or did they probably become seagul food...? We brought them up from about 11 metres.


All the best, Mike F

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