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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I have the following Raymarine kit for sale after updating the equipment on my boat, all in good working order and with the latest software updates


MFD E180 - with screen cover and power supply cable, no pivot mount (surface mounting required) - £450

MFD E80 - with screen cover and power supply cable, no pivot mount (surface mounting required) - £350

2kw 18" analogue radar - pathfinder - 2D2KW  - £280


Also available:


DSM300 Sounder


SeaTalkhs Ethernet Switch


Various cables



Ok Graham when you next step on the boat we are using:


All Raymarine gear:


Axiom 12 Pro RVX (on the helm)

Axiom 9 on the instrumentation panel under the ceiling

Quantum Radar Q24C

AIS 650 (class B )

Evolution EV1 (fluxgate compass)

M232 Camera (Infrared)


Above all fitted and working now; need to get Greenham Regis (who have been great) to check and approve my fit out to get the 3 year warranty.


A pair of bronze 3D Transducers - tested over the side but will be fitted during the annual haul out in February, using the current transducer currently (so happy to be rid of the DSM300)


I have kept the old auto pilot, supposed to be compatible, yet to be proved.


This setup will allow us the use tablets as screen reflectors on the bow and stern to show for example where the wreck is, this will save me shouting out 'wreck coming up etc' and allow everyone to make up their own mind..


Can't wait to see this in action: M232 Camera (Infrared)


Seems to work great in my tests so far.

Photo taken at night, works well in the day as well.

Will track objects AIS detected objects on request, tested this worked well it followed the IoT ferry back and forth.

Will auto alert on objects detected marking them up on the screen and beeping. Not tried this yet, if it works well will be a great safety aid.


Excellent Steve! I'm excited to see it all in action, glad you got your old stuff moved on without any problems.

Will definitely make a difference with all of us playing on our phones wrecking

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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