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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Nick went out friday and managed 2 smallish plaice drifting the swash


Sat we decided to go and snuck out to past the spoil ground, alas still nets there (been informed that they are targetting bream in the nets) went 1/2 mile further south and managed some doggies, pout and a 1lb wrasse, fishless for 1hr so went for a drive to see if could find the venezula wreck, even with fishfinder, chart and co-ordinates couldnt find her was a change from 110ft to 100ft over 1/4mile in a east west direction is this it?


Tally for day


Me 2 wrasse, 1 pout, 6 doggies

Nick, 1 pout, 4 doggies


Came in towards the outer patch and had another wrasse and a few doggies,


The charter boats are doing their evening bream trips to teh patch so rekon not far away to get some bream.


Fished with my new fladen maxximus 6lb rod, (fished 2-6oz OK)excellent inshore rod, reel seat a bit too large from the rod which unbalances it abit, but for


I also noticed the swallows whilst drifting the Shambles on Sat.


ones and twos flying very low, just over the water ...... but a steady stream of them all day.




I've not tried looking for the Venezuela, yet. She's a bit further out than the Betsy.

Should be a nice wreck though.


730 tons, 190ft long and lies north/south. Sits upright but sunk into the sand/gravel bottom. Depth 27m, rises to 4m (from Dove Dorset).




Hi all


She stands proud of the bottom and shows up well on the sounder. but is only 190ft long so your search patterns need to be fairly tight


You are looking for a distinct lump rather than gradual change of depth.


I suggest zooming in your sounder and running tight search pattern from your waypoint/numbers for the wreck using track lines on your plotter.

search slowly and systematically and you will get there.

I put in an event as soon as something shows and then run a search around the object looking for a better/bigger picture on the sounder.


if you are new to it, practise on a well known inshore wreck like Kyarra.

at slack water the dive boats will show you where she is.


or I could come out and give you a few pointers one evening.



Charlie biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


...and because the Venezula lies north-south, it is obviously better to perform your search patterns east to west so that you have more chance of cutting across her length.



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