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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Left Cobbs at 7.15 a.m. after de icing the boat. The newly installed heater proving very effective once it had warmed up.


I think we were lucky to get through the Town Bridge as neither span seemed to want to lift properly. We were greeted by a thick fog bank once we got near the Island and decided to give the sun a little longer to lift and the fog to disperse.


A quick call to a friendly charter soon told us it was clearing outside the Harbour and half an hour later, we were down in the Southbourne Area.


Fish were plentiful from the off. Dogs, whiting, the odd ray and a nice bonus tub to Dave L. Double hits of whiting were common, but the fish were mainly les than a pound with eight over 1.5 lbs and the largest at 2 lbs.


Our second mark, closer to home, was slow until the tide changed. I managed the first plaice of the year and a bonus turbot.


We returned through the Harbour just before 4.30 p.m. There was no airdraft indication eitherside when closed., but given the state of the tide, we made it through with plenty to spare. That Bridge is proving a real bone of contention.


Overall, a much needed day out with almost cĺement weather around midday, calmer than expected and a good number of fish for this time of the year.


Many thanks Dave for all the gutting and filleting and carrying my tackle box back to the car, yet again, all the trollies seem to have disappeared from F Pontoon. This will be a moan to Dave (Dogfish) tomorrow. No doubt they are all down the posh end. Mick, your aerial is sorted as requested.






Well done you two - Neal & I had a lazy start - 9am and to a few miles out off Old Harry. Although not hectic we managed dogs, pout a few keeper whiting and a nice bass of 3-4lbs - returned - as well as a smoothie of 5 or 6lbs. a lovely day to be out blue sky and warm sun until mid afternoon.

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