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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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as we know if you have seen other jokes on here ,Long John was the ships cook.

Once again he had been fishing to supplement ships rations,this time off the end of the jetty. The evening had turned foggy and he was on his way back to the ship,with his big tackle box,his catch in a bucket,and his parrot on his shoulder.He was stopped and asked by a pretty young woman how to find a particular address.

John said " its up at the other end of that alley,c'mon with me,I'm going that way."

The young woman said " How do I know that when we get into that dark alley,you wont hold me up against the wall, and have you'r wicked way with me ?"

John said " What ? with all this gear I'm carrying how could I possibly do that ?".

She replied " well you could put the parrot on the floor,put the bucket over it,put the tackle box on top the bucket,and I could hold the fish." rolleyes.gif

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