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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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After meeting jim at mitchells as nick was not well enough to come, ment I was driving the boat.


Decided to fish outer patch for bream during run up to High water got there 1/2 hr before evryone else, but unfortunately couldnt hook into them, decided to drift as a pot boat was working here, then all the other boats turned up some getting way too close considring we was fihinga nd had lines out, then they started dropping anchors etc, sometimes I think skippers of other boats dont have any regard for other fisherman or problems they could get into by how close they anchor to eachother and strings of pots, or the best one see your drifting and anchor just where u have drifted over so you cant do your drift again!


we went abit further out and managed some doggies wrasse and pout, decided then to come into teh piers to drift to see if could bag a plaice or schoolie.


worked our way towards branksome had afew more wrasse, then did swash, nothing then entrance nothing


Catch for the day


colin, 2 doggies, 2 pout and 3 wrasse

jim, 1 doggies, 2 pout and a wrasse


Hope to get out for some eve trips for the bream, but weather looks pants thsi week.


Had a very slow day sad.gif


we caught a few bream in close, then a potter had a complete sense of humour failure about us holding onto his buff.


it took seconds to release it and drift off, with him screaming that we should be at anchor. laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif


As we were using 1/2 oz weights we were not moving his gear, but it was his gear so we have to respect that.


However if I had been at Anchor, I run the risk of fouling his gear on recovery [Which stands much more chance of tangling it up], and takes ages in comparison to just dropping his buff and drifting/motoring off.


Perhaps all of his pots were being used Yesterday by the vast fleet of boats out there and he was just having a bad day. wink.gif




i dont think that would go down to well


he wasnt to pleased you could hear him from miles away we got shouted every word under the sun.


quite funny though laugh.gif



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