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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Lazy start with Geoff Lambert this morning and motored in friendly conditions to Bmth pier area - no mackerel so went to Boscombe pier - same result except for Geoff catching a tub double on the feathers. So it was to Southbourne to target plaice. They were few and far between - no doubt many have been unable to dodge the copious nets. However we pressed on to find tubs and grey gurnards and to great surprise a red mullet, plus the odd mackerel to the lazy line. Eventually a plaice put in an appearance - followed by several others - one of good size. As the day drew on we moved west and drifted near Boscombe pier and then Bmth pier where i latched into the smallest thornback ray i've ever seen. 

All in all a good day - fine weather and a northerly wind to make it even more comfortable.

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