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Latest Angling Trust News - Sea Angling

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Tuesday 11th September 2018


Welcome to your September Sea Newsletter


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Incredible Blue Fin Tuna Footage!


Imagine seeing this incredible sight in your local bay! That’s what happened to family members of Angling Trust consultant, Malcolm Gilbert, as they sat looking out over Porthkidney beach in St Ives. More and more sightings of blue fin tuna are being made around Cornwall and the Channel Islands but please remember, it’s illegal to target them.


Please report your tuna sightings using this online form 


Trust responds to Fisheries Bill Consultation


The Angling Trust has responded to the government’s consultation on the ‘White Paper’ which set out proposals for a new UK fisheries bill once the UK leaves the EU. The White Paper set out some interesting proposals to include recreational fishing.


Have your say by downloading our response and using it to send your own submission by 23:45 on Wednesday 12th!


Bass Back On The Table?



Anglers may be taking a bass home for dinner this autumn as the EU Council of Ministers is currently considering a proposal which would see a one-bass-per-day bag limit for recreational catches introduced for the remainder of 2018. 

Find out more


National Small Boat Angling Championships






Head to Salcombe on September 22nd-23rdwhere the Angling Trust’s Wyvern Region will be hosting this year’s national small boat championships.


With over £2,000 of prizes it’s not to be missed!

Find out more

Devon & Severn 

IFCA vacancy



Are you a Devon or Somerset based angler? Do you want to be involved in shaping the management of fisheries in the area? Do you have the time to volunteer? If so, the Devon & Severn Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority are looking for two individuals to join the Committee.

Click here to apply 


Take part in our quick survey and win £200!



We’re trying to work out how many anglers are influenced by their health levels or disability, how this can affect their fishing and what can be done to provide support. To do this we need you to take part in a quick survey. It doesn't matter what your level of health or ability is - we want to hear from all our members and subscribers. It only takes about 3 minutes and we'll use the answers to create better angling opportunities for you and other people*. At the end you can choose to enter our prize draw for the chance to win a £200 Amazon Gift Card - it's completely free to enter.

*We are committed to improving opportunities for people to learn about and go fishing whatever their physical and mental health and well-being.


Species Hunt Update!


Wheeler is August Specimen Winner


A superb small-eyed ray caught by Paul Wheeler was August's Specimen Winner of the Species Hunt competition.


Paul caught his ray - which had a wingspan of 48cm - on a pennel rig baited with a single sandeel.

Find out more about the Species Hunt


Great British Beach Clean


Join thousands of people from September 14th-17th for the 25th annual Great British Beach Clean. To register and find events near you click here. Don’t forget to encourage people to Take 5at the same time!

Find out more


AT Marine Regions Get Kids Fishing



Congratulations to our Sussex and Wyvern Regions who both got kids fishing last month. Wyvern’s Junior Angling Festival at Mountbatten Breakwater in Plymouth provided 33 junior anglers with an opportunity to fish together in competition. The Sussex Region’s Family Fishing events at Shoreham Port have been a huge success with hundreds of kids fishing from the shore and charter boat for the first time. Well done all involved!


The Angling Trust is the united national representative body for all angling in England and Wales. It is united in a collaborative relationship with Fish Legal, a separate membership association that uses the law to protect fish stocks and the rights of its members throughout the UK. Joint membership packages with Fish Legal are available for individuals, clubs, fisheries, riparian owners and other categories. Please find out more.

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Angling Trust Limited is a company limited by guarantee, company number 05320350

Angling Trust & Fish Legal, Eastwood House, Rainbow Street, Leominster, HR6 8DQ

Telephone: 01568 620447




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