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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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headed out after school on friday with dad and my mate on only his 4th boat fishing trip.


headed round to a batch of rocks inside of the patch and had some wrasse, pout and some blennies.


then we thought we heard the crazy potter from the species comp so chucked the buoy of the front.


while drifting i had 2 pollack about 1lb and 2lb great fun on a 30g rod.


my mate added to his specie list with a small smoothhound so he was happy. headed home about ten and a nice relaxing evening after a boring day at school.


headed out on saturday with the hole family, it was flat calm but thick fog so plans to head for a wreck changed to poole patch.


we had some wrasse, bream, pout, pollack and a couple of cuckoo wrasse.


we then got joined by prodigy and amber lost a big fish which had decided to have a go at the poor cod which had eaten the worm, the poor cod came up trashed.


all in all a nice day out with nice bacon sandwiches.


hopefully heading out tomorrow and maybe monday what a perfect weekend 4 fishing trips in a row i must be lucky.




plenty of boats out on the Ledge today, even Bayzand on Sundance showed up.

Didn't hear of much action though but i got my First Bream of the season, a fish of 2.1oz ( just the one).


Was out in Marineboy escorted by Paul D on Neo, Weather was great but the fishing was slow.


Engine ran fine so im happy and relieved after last weeks fuel problems


Paul J


Hi Paul and Paul,


Saw you two whizzing out over the Ledge whilst I was fishing the drop-off near the top of the tide.


Fishing was a bit slow if you discount the hundreds of doggies. I managed 4 bream early on [ in the fog !!]..... close in, near the groyne [ didn't realise how close until I checked my gps numbers on the chart, which explained why the breaking waves sounded so loud !!]


Just cooked up the best fish....... 2lb. 9oz. ...... for supper [ much better fresh than frozen] Have another and a couple of big gars for a few more meals redolent of summer months to come.


Gars caught on Hokais ........ right on top of the Ledge in about 5 m. of water


A day of two halves........... the quiet , eerie fog ; cool, clamly and completely disorientating .............. then a blast of soporific sun, expect for the roar of hundreds of folk out on their boats... making waves and decibels !! I saw you crash into wash and temporarily come to a halt !


Roll on summer !!!





Plenty of boats on the "secret Bream mark" smile.gif


Steamed over on Neo at a nice 17 knots with occasional 19 knots. ( See Mike, it is possible tongue.gif ).

The trick was to remove the aerofoil wings and to get the trim correct.


Boat still lists slightly to the right but I put that down to just me being onboard along with having two batteries both on the same side.


Didn't have any groundbait available so fishing was a little slow. Had one Doggie and two Garfish and lost what felt like a Bream. Still not bad for a few hours fishing.


While the boat was in SAL Marine at Lymington, I took the opportunity to look over the Saturday market and found a stall selling fishing rods ( nothing unusual there ) but they were selling the new Fladen Solid-C rods at


Funnily enough, I'd just had a customer who came in looking pretty burnt, so I asked him what he's been up to? He said he just got back from fishing, sea fishing from his boat. We chatted for about 10 mins, he had a good day, 9 breams and most of them 2.5lb +.


Apparently he was out on Christchurch ledge and he has a 175 with 2*50hp.


there was a beast of a boat fishing next to us a big boston whaler with twin 200hp


that must use some petrol




Alan, out of interest, what size hokkais are you using, and what size hook are they on...singularly or multis??


My best Gar fell to a Storm sandeel intended for bass.......it went 2lb 4oz!! A real snake of a fish!!






A string with 5 size 3/0 , the luminous greeny / yellow ones [ 'cause it was a very dull / foggy morning] ........... but no mackeral yet [ for me !!]




PS. How are you finding the reel ?? I went and bought another for myself but haven't used it yet !


Alan, the reel is going well.......I'm off to the snake pit tomorrow, althouth the 7000 is possibly too small for the amount of lead we will be using, I hope it comes into its own on the kidney banks, after those specimen Ray!! I'll try and report back if I get on a computer tomorrow evening...failing that, it will be upon my return from Alderney.....Tight lines




Guest fish finger

The patches are groups of rocks in poole bay. They are clearly marked on the admiralty chart of poole bay.




Fished the Ledge with Adam on Sunday.


Tons of LSD's, a couple of hound pups, tons of wrasse and my first bream of the season. A plump female of around 2 lbs that was bursting with eggs so she went back.


Came back in at 2pm.




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