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Clubs AGM and Presentation Tuesday 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club BH15 3EU ×

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Competition Winners 2018


Fish of the Month


January                                                Dave Lynes                 Spurdog                      20lb 0oz           167%              

February                                              Allan Green                 3 Bearded Rockling    1lb 5oz              88%               

March                                                  Colin Francis               Spurdog                     20lb 4oz           169%

April                                                    Alun Jones                   Black Bream               5lb 3oz            148%             

May                                                     Dave Evans                  Brill                             8lb 2oz           163%  

June                                                     Mike Bennett                Bass                           14lb 8oz         153%              

July                                                      Dave Lynes                  Allis Shad                   2lb 2oz            153%

August                                                  Dave Lynes                 Red Gurnard               1lb 6oz            110%

September                                           Jan Tryska                    Gar Fish                      1lb 8oz            120%              

October                                               John Stephenson           Undulate Ray             17lb 4oz         123%

November                                           Alun Jones                    Bass                           10lb 10oz       112%

December                                            Kev Couzens               Undulate Ray              18lb 13oz        134%


Trophy Winners


Bob Horne Memorial                          Bobi Francis                            Flounder          2lb 15oz

Steve Chester Memorial                      Mal Thomas                            Cod                 9lb 0oz

Frank Fudge Memorial                       Dave Lynes                             Conger              40lb 0oz

Simon Hall Memorial                          Mike Bennett                          Bass                 14lb 8oz

Junior Shield                                       TBA at Presentation

Ladies Shield                                      TBA at Presentation  

Specimen Hunters Shield                    TBA at Presentation

Peter Peck – Chairman’s Award         TBA at Presentation


Competition Winners


Bream Comp                                       Jan Tryska                          Black Bream               3lb 8.5oz

Spring Species Hunt                           Allan Green / Jan Tryska                                        7 Species

48Hr Comp                                         Jan Tryska                           Spotted Ray                5lb 8oz                                               

B.A.S.S. Comp – Catch / Release      Tom Smith                           Bass                             7lb 8oz                       

Flatfish Comp                                     Adam Franklin                    Turbot                         3lb 12oz                     

Ray Comp                                           Dave Evans                         Thornback Ray            12lb 8oz

Cod Comp                                          No Fish Recorded


Junior Comp                                    


Under 11 Winner         Olivia Francis                

Over 11 Winner           Sam Annear                   

Best Specimen             TBA at Presentation                                      


Annual Species Hunt


First                             Fisheagle                     Allan Green                 49

Second                         Boblin2                       Colin Francis               38

Third                            Kingfisher                   Chris Witheford           37


Individual Species Hunt


First                             Dave Lynes     50

Second                        Allan Green     41

Third                           Mal Thomas    37


New Club Records


Alun Jones                  Black Bream                           5lb 3oz                        148% Specimen

Rob Samways             Tub Gurnard                           4lb 8oz                        129% Specimen

Dave Lynes                 Allis Shad                               2lb 2oz                        153% Specimen

Steve Loftus               Gilt Head Bream                     2lb 12oz                      137% Specimen

Dave Lynes                 Silver Eel                                 2lb 0oz                       80% Specimen

Steve Scott                  Smoothhound                         17lb                             113% Specimen


Specimen Hunters – 21 Anglers with 57 Fish 100% Specimen or over


Dave Lynes

Tom Smith

Mick Pike

Kev Couzens

Dave Evans

Steve Scott

Alun Jones

Chris Witheford

John Stephenson

Jan Tryska

Neil Burrow

Dave Starr

Wendy Chapman

Mike Bennett

Rob Samways

Allan Green

Mal Thomas

Jerry Shutter

Tony Deavin

Steve Loftus

Colin Francis


Dear All,

Can you please check the above and let me know if there is anything that you feel is incorrect with the results.



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