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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Welcome to your July Sea Newsletter



Save up to 50% on Southampton Boat Show tickets!


Don’t miss out on your discount to this year’s Southampton Boat Show  - the UK’s biggest and best boating extravaganza and a must for anyone who fishes afloat! Angling Trust members get up to 50 per cent off gate ticket prices. Login here to take advantage of this fantastic offer.



Angling Trust criticises fishing industry’s disregard for discards and government’s meagre monitoring

A House of Lords committee has heavily criticised the government for failing to enforce the EU discard ban which was introduced to end the practice of throwing dead fish back to sea. The Angling Trust is calling on the government to urgently address this situation of Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing by the UK fishing fleet which the Trust describes as using and abusing our publicly-owned fish stocks.

Read more HERE


Angling Trust defends angling reputation in seal death story


The Angling Trust wrote to the Metro newspaper earlier this month calling for a correction to an article suggesting anglers were responsible for the fatal shooting of two seals in an Essex estuary despite there being no evidence to suggest anglers were responsible.

Read the Angling Trust’s letter to the Metro HERE defending angling’s reputation.


Anglers to support tuna tagging in the South West



The Angling Trust has helped to successfully ensure that anglers can contribute to the bluefin tuna tagging project this summer and autumn. For the very first time, suitable experienced anglers will be allowed to fish for bluefin in England on a number of boats supporting the tagging vessel led by the project team at the University of Exeter. We’ve also been successful in helping to expand the project to Wales. Read more HERE


Experts appointed for Highly Protected Marine Areas review


Following on from last month’s news that a review into whether highly protected marine areas were necessary around the UK, a panel of experts has been elected to carry out the review. It includes conservationists, scientists and experts and will be chaired by Angling Trust ambassador, Richard Benyon MP. The Angling Trust will be giving evidence to the review to ensure anglers’ views are heard by the panel. More HERE


National Small Boat Festival




Here's a reminder that the Angling Trust’s Wyvern Region will be holding the National Small Boat Angling Championships out of Salcombe in Devon on 7th and 8th September. With a total of £2,000 of prizes to be won it’s the event of the year for small boat anglers!

Find out more


Andrew's specimen conger eel wins monthly Species Hunt prize


Winner of the May-June Species Hunt 2019-20 is Andrew McGonaghie with a 125cm conger eel caught from Portsalon Pier, County Donegal. The specimen was caught on clipped down, baited with mackerel and fished at distance.

It's not too late to get involved. To enter email specieshunt@anglingtrust.net with your full name, postal address, date of birth and contact email address. Please also state if you are a new member.


Boat anglers: 8-week consultation on red diesel


The government has opened an eight-week consultation on stopping the use of red diesel for propulsion in private leisure craft. It is an issue that will affect boat anglers who currently use red diesel. The Angling Trust will be submitting a formal response but we encourage anyone likely to be impacted to respond to the consultation HERE.



Sea angling competitions round-up

The Angling Trust is the united national representative body for all angling in England and Wales. It is united in a collaborative relationship with Fish Legal, a separate membership association that uses the law to protect fish stocks and the rights of its members throughout the UK. Joint membership packages with Fish Legal are available for individuals, clubs, fisheries, riparian owners and other categories. Please find out more.

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Angling Trust Limited is a company limited by guarantee, company number 05320350

Angling Trust & Fish Legal, Eastwood House, Rainbow Street, Leominster, HR6 8DQ

Telephone: 01568 620447

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