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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Well, I tried a bit of fluff chucking last year andd had a couple of schoolies and mullet. I tried today and boy was it a different story!!!!!!!!!


After sending a PM to Alex for a few tips (many thanks Alex) I went up to Stirt Pond at the back of Milford shingle bank where it is usually stuffed with bass and mullet, even this early. Its only about 12-18 inches deep so they are easy to spot amongst the weed.


I got there today and was watching some fish about 20 yards out cruising and splashing and put on a little white fluffy thing that resembled a fish that was about an inch long. I also bought a some small dark flies for the mullet.


There was a strong head wind and 1st cast saw me put 20 yards of fly line in a heap in the water about 8 yards out........I messed it up big time as the fish spooked. I tried again when the fish lowered there gaurd a bit and a repeat performance as i couldnt cut through the head wind, combined with my fly casting ability.


An hour later and finding fish once again i stripped of the line but instaed of using finesse and flicking it out, I saw the red mist and tried to slog it out, the fly line shot over my head at about 100 mph sendind the f*****g lure in to the top of my head!!!!!!! I headed home peed off, but when chilling at home pondering my thouhts about the afternoons adventures I couldnt get the grin off my face just thinking about what a plonker I must have looked!!!!!






If you can laugh at your self the your OK mate and that's for sure!


And as for..... f*****g lure in to the top of my head.......


Did you put up much of a fight?


Were you weighed in front of a witness?


Were you put back alive?


And do you wish to be recorded as your 'personal best' you?


Mad Mike

Guest fish finger

When casting into a strong headwind your timing and casting action become very important and small mistakes in timing and technique are magnified. The professionals can shoot out line into nearly gale force winds! Your first cast sounds like what is generally known as a cowpat and is the usually the product of bad timing.


To make a successful cast into the wind you have to wait untill the fly line straightens out behind you before you punch the line out into the wind.


It also helps to smoothly accelerate into the back cast stopping the rod abruptly at 12 o clock. This will help straighten out your backcast and enable you to make a succesful forecast into the wind. The forecast should be a firm and directed 'push' of the rod tip once the line has straighted out behind you. It helps if you haul the line with you hand when making the forecast into the wind to give extra speed to your cast.


It is amazing how little effort is required to shoot out a long line when your timing is good. Like most things it just requires practice. Anyway fly fishing is supposed to be challenging! wink.gif


Alex smile.gif


Dan,you have still got more gumption than me.I got everything ready for a first try this week-end but bottled out because I thought you could'nt cast in strong wind.I felt that if I made a lousy mess of it,I might not bother again,so I left it 'till later....jack wink.gif


Hi Dan,


You've got a good sense of humour - lol's.


Sounds if you may be dropping your rod too far on the back cast. When the line is travelling forward it should not be around your earholes; it should be well above your head height.


When learning try this into strong headwinds - turn round!


Have you ever noticed how your back cast can quite often be the better part of your cast. So if you turn round and cast ashore but then let the line drop onto the water on your normal back cast. May sound mad - but give it a try.



As Fishfinger says hauling and double hauling will improve your length of cast + shooting heads etc etc. But, initially I'd concentrate on getting the basic casting and timing techniques sorted. When you do a good cast it's enjoyable even without the fish!


Cheers and good fluffing - Jack


Like jack says, concentrate on the basic cast, and try it in inreasingly windier conditions.......double hauling does take a bit of practice.


Out of interest, how many would be interested in an evening lesson? Ive promised Sam and Charlie a crack on the river, I'm sure if we get a few together, and ply Ron with a bottle of scotch, He'll give instruction. There may even be the chance of a few fish!! The venue would be Eastliegh, near to southampton airport.




Many thanks lads for your help, it will all help in my quest to be the next Bob Church!!! Seriously though, its most appreciated. Rich, I would be up for ot!!!


Just to prove im not a complete numnut, I took the fly rod to my local lake to give the carp a go on it Wed Eve. I superglued a mixer onto a size 8 and cast amongst fish munching the free offerings. A COW PAT (wow, im even using the lingo now) of a cast didnt spook the fish, I soon hooked one and with the fish stripping me down to the backing it gave a good scrap. Not a monstor and Ive probabbly had 100s of bigger carp well over 30lb but a welcome 17.2 Common lay in the net!!!!!!!


I know its not from a small boat, not a sea fish and no where near the sea even, but at least I cristened my fly rod!!!!





but a welcome 17.2 Common lay in the net!!!!!!!  .................

at least I cristened my fly rod!!!!

Brilliant Dan biggrin.gif


I've been fluffing for 30yrs and never caught anything that big. Dead envious and I'd better get some tips off you .


How do you tie a mixer wink.gif or should I be asking what is a mixer?


Cheers - Jack

Guest fish finger

A floating dog biscuit. Not quite a fly but hooking a double figure carp on a fly rod is good fun! Might go and give it a go today...


just been watching some videos and me and dan are raring to give it a go so we can have a go in wales.


any tips would be helpful and will proberly get a cheapish fly rod for whales thinking of going down the football field and having a go after school.




Hi Jack


Catching carp off the top with a fly outfit is easy if you can get them up feeding on the top (I jsut need to catch a trout, bass or something else on a fly outfit now). As Alex said, its a dog biscuit, chum mixer, just use a hacksaw blade and make a groove into the biscuit and dab a bit of superglue in there and hold the shank of the hook in the groove until its hard, 30 secs or so, Pick a fish feeding and away you go.




I would be well up for some lessons up at Eastleigh. Will need to get my fly rod back from Sam first smile.gif


Presumably a fishing licence would have to be bought though ?



i have watched about 8 fly fishing videos today and i am raring to go just need some tuition i want to be able to do it before we go to wales [july] some great places over there so the sooner the better.




Hi Jack

...... its a dog biscuit, chum mixer, just use a hacksaw blade and make a groove into the biscuit and dab a bit of superglue in there and hold the shank of the hook in the groove until its hard, 30 secs or so, Pick a fish feeding  and away you go.

Thanks Dan,


That sounds great; thanks for info. I'm definitely going to have a go at that.


We've got a local pond with carp - so I'll feed 'em on dog biscuits - except one will have a hook in it wink.gif


Cheers - Jack

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