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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Headed out this afternoon as planned from wick , we set of at about 4 to have a go for the bream on the ledge. But on arrival there was a quick change of plan and we decided to fish the last of the ebb on x-ray for the first time this year.

It was a good move and after about 15 minites I was bent into a good ray a lovely undulate ray [my first from that mark for 4 years!] she pulled the scales round to 15lb 8 oz not a Pb but a good fish.

Then it was back on to the ledge for the bream, the action was instant with bream comeing thick and fast lost count how many and a good average size, the best weighed went 2lb 14oz .

With full srings of macky and a few wrasse thrown in the summer fishing seems to be in full swing biggrin.gif

Back out tomorrow for anouther go cool.gif


Tight Lines




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