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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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After the great weather you guys had fishing the comp sunday and me haveing to work mad.gif

I managed to sneak out after work for a go,the plan was to hit the bream first, then have the first go at those monster ledge conger for the first time this year, the bream all went to plan with a constant stream coming over the side, all a good average size and a few calls for the net ,but nothing that required a mug shot cool.gif 2lb 6oz the biggest .

Then it was off to the conger mark at dark , no conger but i did manage a huss and a huge edible crab, one of the biggest ive seen! [is there a club record! laugh.gif ]

At 10.30 it was time for home,for one of the longest trips in ive had from the ledge .I had 2 choices. 1.. Have the GPS/sounder on and see nothing!![ loads of glare on the inside of the windows]

2... have them off and see lots, but not know the depth or the way home!!! ph34r.gif

made it back home at 12.30am.

back at work a 8.30 am sad.gif

roll on friday




Good catch.


With regard to glare, is it not possible to cover the units with (say) a towel and only take a peek every now and again? Or what about those films boyracer put on their windows? They should/might dim the light a little.


on dads you can dim the light on them so there is no glare just tap the button light until it dims down and then you can do both.




I can but even on dim it was too bright,I think Kams Idea with a towel might work .I was useing my hands to cover the light while trying to steer! ph34r.gif


On the other hand, there's glare inside the cabin because it's darker outside, if you make the outside lighter/brighter, spotlight or whatever, you won't see the glare inside.




Try getting yourself a piece of red plastic to cover the screen then adjust the brightness of the screen until you can see through it but no glare or loss of night vision.


enjoy the crab!

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