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Clubs Newsletter



Welcome to your Clubs Newsletter

Welcome to the latest issue of our Angling Trust Clubs Newsletter. The first section of the newsletter includes information for your club committee on ways we can help and support you. As we have both freshwater and sea angling clubs, some of the items may not been relevant to you, but we hope you will still find them interesting.

The second part contains information we would like you to share with your members. If you send out a club newsletter, have a facebook page or would be willing to put some of this information on your website, we would be very grateful. Tight lines!

John Cheyne, Marketing, Communications & Membership Manager


Otter fences: watch the video and register for our forum


Otter fences are one of the most costly projects a club could undertake, making it vital they function as intended. Even with regular maintenance, damage and weak points can often be overlooked, resulting in the potential for otters to enter a fenced fishery and threaten valuable stock.

Next Wednesday, 26th January, we'll be running an online forum when Richard Bamforth, Angling Trust Fisheries Management Advisor, will highlight some of the key ways in which otters can enter a fenced fishery, and offer advice on how to prevent this in future. The forum is recommended for anyone who operates a fenced fishery, or is considering taking on such a project in future.  It is free to attend and open to all.

In this video, Richard explains how the Angling Trust can help clubs and fisheries with predation issues and features the project undertaken by Leeds & District Amalgamated Society of Anglers at its Kippax Park Fishery.


HERE TO HELP: Building Bridges Project team


The Building Bridges Project has been running for 10 years and has made huge progress towards the successful integration of migrant angling communities in England – providing positive education and advice to help anglers understand our angling laws and customs.

At ‘grass roots’ level, the Building Bridges team assist and support angling clubs and fisheries by translating their rules into different languages and offering free multi-lingual signage and leaflets. The team also work with clubs and fisheries to host angling events that bring together anglers from different countries and cultures, in addition to organising school visits and coaching days – giving many youngsters from diverse backgrounds an introduction to fishing in the UK.

If your club requires support from the Building Bridges team, please contact Project Manager Janusz Kansik on 07495 433615 or email janusz.kansik@anglingtrust.net

Click for more information about Building Bridges

10% off Aquamaintain products and services for fisheries

Aquamaintain Ltd provide environmentally considerate solutions for fisheries and other aquatic environments. Their key specialisms include river restoration, lake and pond enhancement, habitat improvement and fishery management. Angling Trust clubs can claim a 10% discount on all Aquamaintain’s products and services. Details can be found on the Aquamaintain website – just quote your Angling Trust membership number when ordering.

Click here for more discounts

Is your club on our map?

We want to help your club grow membership by promoting you on our website map. With listings for river levels, venues, coaches, tackle shops and, of course, clubs, it is one of the most visited sections of the Angling Trust website. Many clubs are already listed – please visit the site and check the contact information we have for your club is correct. You can update details online and submit entries for your venues, too. If you have any queries about the map please contact samantha.frost-jones@anglingtrust.net

Check your club's info on our map

Please support our Online Auction

Our Online Auction 2022 raises vital funds to enable the Angling Trust and Fish Legal to fight to protect fish, fishing and the environment.

Can your club support us by donating an auction lot? Last year, a number of clubs offered memberships or a day's fishing on stretches of their waters, and we would like to thank them once again for their generous support. If your club would like to donate an auction lot please email samantha.frost-jones@anglingtrust.net


Get Fishing Fund now open for applications


Building on the successful launch of the Get Fishing Fund in December 2020, the Environment Agency and the Angling Trust have announced an additional £100,000 investment to encourage more people to give fishing a go for the first time in 2022.

Funded from fishing licence sales, grants of up to £2,500 are available to benefit angling-based projects. The funding can be used to help purchase equipment, fishing tackle and resources to run fishing events and activities to give people the opportunity to get into fishing. The deadline for applications is Friday, 18th March.

Click here to apply for funds

Tribute to angling coach Pat Byrne

The Angling Trust was saddened to hear the news that angling coach Pat Byrne had passed away. Through his Wellingborough & District Nene Angling Club, Pat introduced hundreds of youngsters to fishing and was instrumental in growing the club's junior membership. He will be sadly missed by many.

Click here to read the full tribute

Update on porbeagle and common blue skate proposals


The Angling Trust has formed a sub-group of its Marine Advisory Group to respond to the consultation of a proposal made by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) to add further protections for porbeagle shark and common blue skate under Schedule 5 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act.

Through the response, the socio-economic value of the fishery will be highlighted, alongside the scientific value anglers provide and the great work that has been done to improve angler awareness of best-practice behaviour.

Click here to read more

FISH LEGAL UPDATE: Maidstone Draft Local Plan


Fish Legal has objected to the Maidstone Draft Local Plan on behalf of member clubs and fisheries because of the inappropriate earmarking of rural land next to the ancient village of Lenham in Kent for 5,000 new homes as part of the Heathlands Garden Settlement. Fish Legal says that the Plan does not properly consider the environmental impact, especially on fish and protected species, and habitats in the River Stour downstream of the site.

Fish Legal has written to Maidstone Borough Council expressing the concerns of its members - Ford Mill Fishery, Upper Stour Syndicate, Stour Fishery Association, Tonford Fishing Club and Canterbury and District Angling Association.

Click here to read the full story

Not a Fish Legal member? Find out more...

  • If your club is not a member of Fish Legal and would like more information on how Fish Legal can benefit your club, contact Nick Simmonds, Membership Manager on 01568 620447 or nick.simmonds@anglingtrust.net

Information for your club’s members – please share


Join our CEO at sea angling forum

Calling all sea anglers and sea angling clubs! Join us online for the first of our recreational sea angling virtual forums in 2022 when our guest will be the Angling Trust CEO Jamie Cook. We will start the forum with a short review of our 2021 forums and the evening is then yours to discuss with Jamie his vision for sea angling and the role of the Angling Trust, and to put to him any questions you would like. If there are any particular questions you would like to ensure are covered, please email them by Monday 24th January to marinecoordinator@anglingtrust.net

Register for sea angling forum

Please support the Angling Trust – become an individual member

It’s great that your club is a member of the Angling Trust but you can do so much more for fish and fishing by becoming an individual member, too. It costs just £29 per annum (£25 for seniors) and in addition to supporting our campaigns to protect our waters and introduce more people into fishing, you will receive discounts on a range of goods – including some fabulous savings on tackle and bait.

Click here to find out more

Help fight pollution - buy a supporters pack for just £4.99


Through our Anglers Against Pollution campaign, the Angling Trust has been leading the fight to highlight the plight of our rivers and coastal waters, and demand action to end pollution.

You can show your support for the campaign by buying an Anglers Against Pollution Supporters Pack, which includes an enamel badge, and waterproof tackle box and car stickers. They cost just £4.99 with all profits directly going to support the campaign. Available at participating tackle shops or online below.

Click here to buy online

The Angling Trust

We are a not for profit organisation, representing anglers, fighting for fish, fishing and the environment. We are recognised by the Government as the National Governing Body for angling in England and partner with Visit Wales and Natural Resources Wales to promote Fishing in Wales. We are a member-based organisation made up of anglers of all disciplines providing a united front to represent, grow and protect our sport. By becoming a member of the Angling Trust you are helping to protect the waterways you fish in and the fish which live within them, ensuring their health and protection for future generations.

Click here for more information about membership

Angling Trust Limited is a company limited by guarantee, company number 05320350

Angling Trust & Fish Legal, Eastwood House, Rainbow Street, Leominster, HR6 8DQ

Telephone: 01568 620447


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