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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I started on Wednesday with a wrecking trip to the west to help to decide what to do on the comp. It was a struggle from the off, with a 6am launch we couldn't catch a mackerel ohmy.gif ,we tried everywhere from tight into St Albans up to about 5 miles in all directions. After a few hours [10am!] we finally got some and managed to fish.


It was pretty poor with only 2 tope one 15lb to me and 20/30lb fish lost at the boat, we also managed a small huss and a 10lb undulate ray.


So that was decison made. Friday the ledge.


We headed out for 4pm and did ok with pollock,bream, mackrel, gars, dogs and rays all showing in numbers no beasts though with the thornbacks going 11lb 8 oz and 12lb. With the wind getting up on dusk it was in by 10.30 for an early start for the Ripps on Saturday.


As Adam said, it was a lumpy ride out but the sun was shining and the sea settled down furher out to sea, the fishing was hard work on the ripps with the constant working the shads and losing tackle. Allthogh I did ok, one cod 6lb 4oz , and 6 pollock best going 7lb. My crew, Kev, hadn't done that type of fishing before and it was a bit of a struggle and he blanked, so it was plan B back in from the ripps to baiter, motor across to christchurch and out on the ledge for night time conger trip! wink.gif , amazingly it only took us just over an 1hr from baiter to lines down on the ledge!!


Out on the back of the ledge it was back out for a skate but we got a bit plagued by tope and ended up with 10 tope and one 6lb ray.


On nightfall the conger rods went down and after about an hour I was bent in to a good conger it was a massive fish, really long and fat, I thought it was going to be a lot bigger than it weighed but it still pulled the scales round to 45lb biggrin.gif


Then while we were weighing it my other rod roared of with another eel but I lost it . It was then kevs turn and he was soon doing battle with what seemed to be a very very good fish , a battle the fish was winning! as the conger took more and more line of the spool before finaly breaking the line weep.gif

would have loved to have seen that one.......Theres always anouther day biggrin.gif


Tight lines





Hi all I hope you enjoyed the weekend's fishing


It sounds as if all that ventured out to the RIPs had some good fish by a variety of methods well done to you.


We went out at 1730 Friday to catch a few mackerel that seemed vary thin on the ground this week compared to last. after getting a few we anchored and had 3 conger and a ray

Me Conger 28lb

Dad Conger 20lb

Daniel Conger 18lb and Blonde Ray 19lb


we also had pout and dogs but nothing better than above


after waiting for Daniels Drum lessons on Sat we went out with Wendy to have a second go at about 1200


Now that we had mackerel of course they were easy to catch. [ sods law]


we found a rough bit and had conger pout dogs Undulate Ray and other bits, we moved in to get away from the tide which was a waste of time catching just dogs, then moved back out for the evening slack in deeper water or a couple of pack tope and a bigger undulate


Wendy provided great catering, Bacon Rolls dinner, fresh mackerel rolls tea and hotdogs for supper, plus iced buns and Belgium buns. biggrin.gif


the only conger we had on saturday wasnt impressed with dad hooking him and was convinced he was going back into the rust.


Saturdays fish

Dad: Undulate Ray 11lb 8oz male

Undulate Ray 16lb female

Conger eel 45lb

LSD 2lb 4oz

Me Tope 13lb

Daniel LSD 1lb 14oz


Very pleased to have two fish over 100% on the boat shame i failed to catch one of them.


even though i was fishing with 30lb gear it is surprising how much sport you can get from a small pack tope.


according to my calculations our best fish to record are

CHARLIE UNDULATE RAY 16lb 0oz 114.29%

SAM CONGER EEL 28lb 0oz 70%




I saw Dave land a decent Ray on Sammy and Tony phoned me to record two good bream on whistler so I hope that both of them have been in touch


as you can sse from the above it was dads day it was nice to see him showing us how to do it again.


tight lines sam


ps cant wait to see the results for the comp hopefully we got a chapman name up there somewhere.


here is are best fish on the boat


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