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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Went out all day Saturday with Helen and Elaine on Neo . Steamed out of Christchurch and went over to the Dolphin bank. Tried for some mackeral and found none.

Then steamed along the Dolphin Bank to a "Good Ray Mark" that Charlie kindly gave me. ( In quotes as all we had was Doggies smile.gif ).


Then headed back towards Southbourne Rough and tried for bream there ( plenty of them all small though. Found some mackeral whilst drifting near there so put one on for bass.......


Decided to check the mackeral and as I was reeling it in got a take from a bass which after around 10 mins was on the surface. Got the bass to the edge of the landing net and then the hook came out - gutted or what ! ( It was a good size as well around 6-7lb ish sad.gif )


Then off to the ledge to drift for some wrasse and then back to Wick.


On way back helped a small dinghy that had run out of fuel and saw MarineBoy in the harbour.


Summer is here at last smile.gif




i sent you two dsc messages shortly after seeing you, did you get them?


im wondering if it's working, i have never recieved a reply back yet




paul you would have only put it back it was helping you out laugh.giflaugh.gif


nice to hear you out enjoying the weather.






Didn't get any messages - interestingly was trying to get the same working with Adam. We could send position req/ack messages back and forth but I couldnt get a call to work.

We will have to have a play with the radio next time I am out.




It would have been tempting to eat it but it was big enough to think it should be returned and I think I would have returned it. Still, like you say, saved me the job biggrin.gif I am happy though as I know I have the technique right for catching them !




I might be having the same problem with my DSC radio. I've sent out a couple of DSC messages and not received a reply, even when I warned the recipiant that it was coming.


Didn't spend much time trying to see what I'd done wrong, so I will look into it more thoroughly next time out.





Have you got your radio set on auto, manual or off reply?


Might make all the differance


Auto - will of course send a reply automaticly, DSC distress always does this


Manual - You need to PTT to acknowledge


Off - as it says





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