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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Can anyone help?


I seem to have overlooked going on a VHF course and I want to get out onto the water. Is it a legal requirement?


Basically I have a week to do it in if so before my maiden voyage on my boat!






Legally, you NEED your vhf operator licence and then a boat radio licence before you can have a vhf on a boat.


Legally, you are only to do no more than 30 mph in a 30 mph road....... rolleyes.gif


Not advicing you what you must do next, just get do the course and then the boat licence, and enjoy the boat..... in whichever order... rolleyes.gif


Sorry Kam but "legally" this is not correct.


Simply you need a ships radio licence for your vessel - you can apply for this online - to install a VHF onto the vessel. Once you have this you are fine to install. You will not be prosecuted were you to use this set in an emergency or under the instruction of a VHF Certificate holder. Other VHF certificate users can use the set.


You should clearly get yourself on a course as soon as practical but 'legally' it's not the prioity of getting the Ships Radio Licence for your vessel.


Moving into a greyer area were you to apply for the Ships Radio Licence you might feel you could install the radio before you had the piece of paper in your hand................ you would probably be wrong but...


There is a longer thread on here around 2 weeks ago that has links etc





myself and brian are about to do a vhf course

icontacted a guy in poole who said if i could get another one or two people he could get the price down to


Tony, I went on the course a year ago with Adam F, it was held in Christchurch, and despite using radios all my working life in the forces and police service, I still learned a bit. Its also usefull to do the nerw variant of the course which includes use and explanantion of the DSC sets. If you do go, really pick his brains on using the set to set automatic features, as this is a very usefull tool on the DSC.






When / where are you doing the course?? Any room for another?? I should get a radio, esp. if I move up to a bigger boat. I'm at work till the end of July, so weekends or evenings would be only times I could do.






sorry i havnt got back to you ref the course but the power supply t to my modem went kaputt on thurs swiftly followed by both my cars- hench no boat towing-therefore no fishing the weekend.

i will contact the guy again and come back with all facts tomorrow i hope (i'm locked in battle with the local renault dealer at present0

tony mad.gifmad.gifmad.gif




Sorry I missed your email, unfortunately I can't make those couple of days.

I want to do the course but because of commitments I can do from week commencing 18th July?


Would this be any good ?





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