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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Due to last weeks poor weather, and an iffy forecast, was given an opportunity to fish late Sat and Sunday.


Ran down Saturday hoping for an evening session in the entrance on the flood but plans scuppered by unwelcome visitors to the boat during the previous week at some point - very complete tool kit, flare packs x 2, CD/radio and a bottle of champagne all went together with 6 packs of stormy's, mackerel traces and a 500g pirk (all nicely wrapped in the bag I had bought them in the previous weekend). A few hours sorting out and completing police forms etc saw fishing written off for the day.

Damage repaired, new cockpit hasps fitted and a pretty serious headache from Saturday night trying to forget it all Dave and I set out early at 1030 Sunday - well it felt early!

Saw Shelia Marie off Peveril so stopped off for a chat - mackerel scarce, a dog and a smut onboard. Picked up 4 baits and settlled in nest door. 2 dogs in a hour ut the wind was dying and the tide easing so...........we all moved! They went SE, we went West..............

As I got to the mark and was anchoring Dave pulled in a a string of bait, as the anchor bit he got another - things were looking up.


Baits down on the last of the ebb in 100ft, sitting nicely on 8 and 10oz weights we settled down to a cupa..........when off screamed a reel in the manner of all the best fishing programs. To be honest we were so surprised we just looked at each other for a second before I grabbed the rod and moved the lever up a few notches...fish on!

Dave hauled in the other rods and a merry old tug of war ensued. A bit of deep booring but no more long runs. Tailed mr tope at the side of the boat and gently lifted him in. As he started to writh a little in the boat I remembered Adams advice and gently knelt either side of his back. pinning him with my knees - mistake! Yes it worked great but do not do this in shorts!!! sad.gif

Slipped the little circle out of his mouth, photo and back as quick as possible - didn't hang around! Fish estimated at 35 - photo below.

By the end of the day the scores were 7 tope - the above, 2 that took the scales stragiht over their 25lb limit but were a lot smaller than the first, 3 around 15 and one down around 10. Most were released in the water. A nice spotted ray of 15lb also turned up pretending to be a blonde but we knew better! rolleyes.gif

On top of this Dave and I lost / missed 1 fish each on whole mackerel baits.


On baits and hooks - mackerel cutlet/steak about 1/2" thick and cut on the angle to get them as big as possible outfished strips, tail sections and heads completely - all the others were out but it was the cutlet every time. While the tide was flowing the small circles I use were hooking beautifully but around slack a couple were being taken right down into the fishes gut so I moved up to 16/0 circles to heavy wire and was back into the mouth again - seemed bizarre fishing 7ft 12lb and 20lb class rods, 20lb braid to 6ft 250lb mono / 2ft 250lb wire and a 16/0............but it great fun and really easy to unhook.


Good trip out overall - and whilst there was a bit of swell out there it was comfortable to fish.





Very sorry to hear that you boat has suffered from a visit from the scum that can not work to pay for their tackle.


I hope it was reported to the MARINE SECTION OF THE POLICE, they seem to have good knowledge of who commits these sort of break ins and are the only ones who have any success with these matters IMHO

01202 223276


Sounds like your fishing was very good, but can I cast doubt on a 15lb spotted. is it a typo as its well above the british record wink.gif


I really enjoy getting amongst the tope, its nice to hear that a few are about after a slow atart.


Charlie biggrin.gif


Hi Duncan,


Hope your 'unwanted' visitors didn't cause too much damage; it's so expletive-making upsetting when things like this happen........ to spoil your weekend.


Well done on the fishing.......... sounds like some consolation, even though the weather doesn't look very 'summery'.


Didn't Dave keep any of the fish............ I've never tried tope, but Rich has.... and you sometimes dee it in fishmongers. I'd probably prefer the mackerel and my fish cuisine books rate it well down........below dogfish!!


Happy hols., Alun.


Thanks for your thoughts Charlie/Alun.


Charlie - are you suggesting that just because it looks like a real blonde it is? In my limited experience there are more non blondes masquarading as blondes out there than the other way round........... rolleyes.gif Would have taken pictures but another rod had line running out rather quickly so I got the fish back in the water straight after weighing.

Alun - everything went back. I too would rather eat the mackerel and return these fish everytime. That's what digital cameras are for anyway - so you can show the catch without dragging it back to the quay! Some shark is excellent eating - both porbeagle and thresher being examples. Mind you as someone said on here a month ago - first catch your porgy..........




good report nice photo and some great tips= who's got sore legs then tongue.gif


I reckon Bassing at the island is on the menu this Sunday, anyone up for it?


Paul J

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