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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hi All

I managed a recently rare trip out ph34r.gif on sunday after work to use some of my sand eel collection biggrin.gifdry.gif .

Its was very busy with boat traffic in the entrance to poole harbour which made fishing a bit difficult. I saw Duncan on" Phateon" and Matt on "Bliss II" comeing in from there successful days fishing.

It all started off well with 2 bass on the first drift then a bass a drift for the next 6 or 7 drifts till the tide and sport died away . With a bit of a suprise in store next drift produced a brill!! Inside poole harbour!! Is this a frist? not a bad fish either pulling the scales round to 1lb 10oz........ on its way to the freezer! they just taste to good to put back. That was about it. A ruff tally about a dozen bass to 2lb a mackrel and a brill not bad for a couple of hours fishing. biggrin.gif

Hope to try again next sunday.


Tight lines




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