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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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What a strange day,left Poole at 7am and headed off to the mid channel thought I try somewhere different to last week as they always say if you go back to the same wreck it never fishs the same as the time before.


Got to our first mark, and got into fish straight away on the flood, we have a nice cod to 18lb and three between 9 and 10 lbs.


The weather was brighting up and the wind was dying down, so we decided to press on out further, and we got to our next wreck first drop and a nice ling 15lb, and a few pollock even though we tried our hardest not to catch any!!They still seem to love jumping on the hook, shouldn't really complain they make up the day when fishing is a bit slow.


As soon as the tide turned and started ebbing the fishing stopped, the sun went in and the wind picked up and started to get a bit sloppy out there, we tried three more wrecks on the way home, and not one fish on any, seem like the fish had stopped feeding the minute the tide turned.


Never mind good morning shame the afternoon got worse and worse, and to make matters worse lost all charge to the batteries, which isn't handy when one by one your electronics go down.Hope its only a battery fault, any ideas?





Don't worry about that sam i will get you out with us over the summer holiday we will leave ya old boy at home or work and you can come along with the useall crew and have some fun.


matt - whilst your battery charging issue could be a lot of things I have had 2 experiences recently of this being a failed cell on one battery. This not only prevents that one charging but, unless it's seperated from the others, it will take all the charge (and do nothing with it) from any other.

quick check with a hydrometer will normally show it up easily.

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