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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I am often shocked at the early hour that some of you post messages. As I am retiered and a layabout 0630 is a time my hand hardley ever sets foot on.


However as I have just been woken up by my sons two* girlfriends giggling and drunken whispering, I can't get back to sleep.


So here we are at 0522 writing this just so I can be the first to post a message for once.


Mad Mike


* TWO girlfriends ohmy.gif . The little bugger ohmy.gif

mike dont you mean lucky bugger



It's not all as it seems Sam........


Morgan has his proper girfriend (Becky) who practicaly lives here and is due to move in soon. Then there is Becks best friend Liv (Olivia) who comes round Friday through Sunday. So Morg' sleeps on the floor and the two girls share his big bed.


However we and all his friends refer to 'his two girl friends'.


Mad Mike

I've an old girlfriend I haven't seen for years, does he want to trade..... tongue.gif

Kam, what would you do with a bit of 18yr old totty?


I mean a man gets to your age and he has to be a bit carefull laugh.gif


Mad Mike




I'm getting to the ago when I should start having midlife crisis, have lots of affairs, going clubing every night, dye my hair in trendy colour, and wear the 'in' clothes. laugh.gif

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