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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Just bought 3 bags off the fishman. Rich is having one bag and I'm keeping one. Lots in a bag, will spit them up if you don'r want too many. 80p/lb, price I got them for.


I have no idea, they all laid down flat frozen at the moment, will put back in a bag/box. How many do you want? Either in weigh or number of cuttle?


Billy, Ive already got you in mind for some of mine wink.gif The lads fly home next friday, so I'll bring them down with me, frozen, for our friday comp, with Colin P next friday mate. Regards, Rich


Just collected these cuttles from Kam, they are superb! About the same size as AMMO ones, I think there were about 36 in the bag, so that is well reasonable, as far as the price goes! Lets hope I can catch with them!! I reckon half a head will snag the old ray a treat! I guess an eye on the catch reports will show!


Thanks Kam, Rich


I hope you will have better luck than I did.


Tried some on a wreak today, no pollock, no cods and no congers.


A totally miserable day, 2 breams, 1 plaice, doggies, pouts.


We went west, we tried the mussel bed, the race, but none produced anything significant.


There were tons of mackeral tho, fill an icebox within20 mins.


Also met a couple and a bloke who fish at least once every week and once every month from Weymonth, They had invited me to join them for a Shark hunting party on Flamer 3 in August.


Kam, I drifted the mussel beds last week with BB, we used rag worm as bait, and a little squid, but thin cuttle would have worked. We had bass, pollack, bream, pout, untill the tide went, so the fish are there! Better luck next time.




We were using squid, rag and mackeral strips on the mussel bed. According to the skipper, the fish are down there, but just not feeding. There must had been 2 dozens boats there either drifting or anchoring, didn't see anyone taking anyfish in the few drift we tried. No other boats caught any breams in large number over the radio.

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