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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

Bye Bye Tope...............

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Jack too late.


They already sells wrasse, pouts and poor cods in the fish markets. And the fishman tells me they sell pretty well. While ling is not so well received even at 50p a lb, I can't understand it, I think ling tastes as nice, if not better than cod.


i was just about to put that on here dad got a letter about it from the uk shark tagging programme, very nice fish of 90lb only problem is its beeing held by a long liner mad.gifmad.gif




As Sam said I have just recieved a copy of this report from Ken Collins who now runs the UK Shark Tagging Program


I have offered my whole scale support of any effort to support the stand against any commercial fishery for these fine fish.


I have invited Ken to address the club at one of our future meetings, but I need to discuss this with the Committee/Members prior to firming up a date at the end of the year.


Nice to see the NFSA are reacting and playing the value of recreational fishing card,

now that the government have actually realised that there is a value that can be placed on it and that value is high. perhaps there is a little light at the end of the tunnel at last.




Yes their efforts are now making a difference.

What difference ultimately will be interesting. If you read the commercial press about the BASS proposals and paper you can get a glimpse of where things are heading - can post article if others wish to see on here. Interestingly, as I hadn't picked it up from 'our' side, the fisheries minister is advising the commecial sector that he is not going anywhere near as far as the PMs TT recomendations on bass.

My experiences in business suggest that we actually stand a better chance getting tope listed as a sportfish in the UK before bass because it doesn't yet have a recognised comercial value.


Whilst it would be nice to have a talk from Ken shouldn't we be considering some positive support back into these groups from the club? Have we asked them what we could do?

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