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Southern IFCA Shore Gathering Consultation.

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Shore Gathering Byelaw and Fishing for Cockles (Amendment) Byelaw – Formal Consultation 

Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to sections 155 and 156 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009, Southern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority intends to apply to the Minister for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for the confirmation of the following byelaws: 


Shore Gathering Byelaw 

The proposed Byelaw introduces feature-based spatial management for shore gathering activities in National Site Network Sites to ensure protection of designated features & supporting habitats. Key provisions are the creation of defined prohibited areas, summer closure areas (closed 1st March to 31st August) and winter closure areas (closed 1st November to 31st March), within which shore gathering activities, persons having hand operated equipment connected to shore gathering activities and the deployment of habitat to aid crab collection will be prohibited. There are exceptions to the prohibitions which include the use of a vessel provided no part of the vessel’s hull is in contact with the seabed and specified hand operated equipment. 


Fishing for Cockles (Amendment) Byelaw  

The proposed Byelaw amends the Southern IFCA ‘Fishing for Cockles’ Byelaw to remove provisions relating to prescribed methods of harvesting, equipment specifications for hand picking of cockles and construction/operation of a dredge in relation to fishing for cockles. The Amendment is required due to provisions contained in the proposed Shore Gathering Byelaw and existing dredging provisions contained in Southern IFCA permit byelaws. The Byelaw maintains existing provisions relating to Minimum Conservation Reference Size for cockles and a closed season, applicable to all harvesting methods except use of a dredge in Poole Harbour. 


Seaweed Harvesting Code of Conduct 

Through the byelaw development process, Southern IFCA identified the requirement for a Seaweed Harvesting Code of Conduct to ensure ongoing sustainable harvesting methods. The Code of Conduct is in line with other seaweed harvesting Codes of Conduct around the UK and has primarily used as a base a Code of Conduct developed by Natural England in conjunction with partners including other IFC Authorities, with the inclusion of specific provisions relevant to the needs of applicable National Site Network Sites. 


It is the intention that the Code of Conduct would be implemented alongside the implementation of the above Byelaws following ratification by the Secretary of State.



The above Shore Gathering Byelaw and the Fishing for Cockles (Amendment) Byelaw, the Seaweed Harvesting Code of Conduct and all relevant supporting documents can be viewed on the Southern IFCA website: https://www.southern-ifca.gov.uk/live-consultations.


The website also provides an information flyer which provides a summary of the two Byelaws under consultation and information on how the documents can be viewed via alternative means if stakeholders are unable to access online documents.



Any person wishing to object to the confirmation of the Shore Gathering Byelaw, or the Fishing for Cockles (Amendment) Byelaw must send a statement of objection in writing to: 

Marine Conservation and Enforcement Team

Marine Management Organisation

Lancaster House

Hampshire Court

Newcastle Upon Tyne

NE4 7YH 


Worth a read if you get bait from the shore.


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