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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Went out fri, after work, mad rush to beat the tide, but did it with mins to spare, finsihed work at four cycled to boat yard where nick had my kit and the boat ready to go and was off the pontoon at 16:10!


As a big tide had an eve session fishing the patch, bagged up on maccy, then went at anchor on outer patch. had a dozen smuts to 5lb, peeler finding the better fish, 15 tope to 8lb most on 1oz lead and our 6lb rods!, doggies, bream, pout, Nick had a better evening than me with a 1lb 4 oz sole and a 17lb conger.


At one stage I was reeling in a doggie and thought was a good fish but was a 5ft long tope on the end of the doggie trying to swim off with it, and a game of tug-o-doggie started, with me winning, although would of prefered the Tope!


Fishing went dead during the fireworks.


Nice report!

Sounds like you faired better than us -


We (Alun J) and I went out Friday N as well - only saw the fireworks in the distance!


Alun launched early arround 1600 at Mudeford, and I took my chances and launched Sinbad at 1830hrs -just about low low water - met a load of disgruntled blokes in a RIB muttering about having a square prop after beating it up in the run, but at least they gave me a hand to launch. After that, a fair bit of walking the boat along before the run and following as close to the shingle bank as would allow - trouble free luckily.


Met Alun down at Barton, he was already doing well with a good 4lb bass and loads of bream, plus a few small eyed rays.


Loads of weed though - and big tides.


We were kept too busy baiting and re-baiting rods for the swarms of small bream down at Barton to even stop for a break. Unfortunately no signs of any flatties, with the bream action non stop through the night until 12 ish.


Fishing on a light spinning rod, fantastic fun!


Returned 12.30 on a flat sea, full throttle, racing boat for boat - just for a bit of extra excitement .


Will definitely be going back for more when the weather holds.






Hi Paul


That wasnt you I helped get your orkney strikeliner off the trailer was it? I was launching a fletcher speed boat, just giving it a test as its due for ebay. I remember the blokes saying about the square prop on there rib. If it was you then you had better luck than us as we grounded out and bust the shearing pin in the prop.





Yes it probably was me... many thanks again for the launch - its a heavy brute when its shallow !!! Have to try to either grow a bit stronger, or play around with the rollers /load to get the weight more over the back.


As you were only testing, I'm glad you achieved what you set out to do. Hope you werent too far down the run!!


Was really shallow in the run, but having walked home on another occaision, know its deepest at the gravel bank, and I used my auxilliary on tilt - so would have grounded the skeg before hitting the Outboard.


Even though, no way of slowing down from the 3-4 knots of tide, so would have hit pretty hard.









well we grounded out anyway and snapped the shearing pin up near the run. A bit hairy but came back on the little mercuary aux on the tilt aswel. Maybe see you out again.





Im launching Pebble Dash for the 1st time 2moz. Im chucking the big old beast in off muddiford, not to fish but just to do some work on the trim and leg. If any one is about at high water just give me a shout and il help launch you. I'l just be tied up(???hehe) on the railings by the concreat walkway tpo the left of the slip if theres any space.

Yes it probably was me... many thanks again for the launch - its a heavy brute when its shallow !!! Have to try to either grow a bit stronger, or play around with the rollers /load to get the weight more over the back.


Hi Sinbad


I can recommend the nylon rollers you can get.


It makes launching sooo much easier.


Down side to them is that they do not provide much cushioning when towing so you need to make sure the boat is well strapped down.


I bought mine from Crayside Marine I did leave one rubber roller at the front








Hi Coddy,

Thanks for the tip, presumably they're incompressible, so the keel doesnt mould itself into the rubber.


Anyway, I've heard they are pretty slippery, so it would be worth a try on the rear and middle keel rollers.








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