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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Well a lie in was planned as i didn't have to meet Paul D until 10am at Wick.

That didn't happen and i found my self down the Run at 7am as i had a few eels left from the previous week which i kept alive in my fridge with the help of an air pump.


Tide was zero so i didn't expect much but had a go with the bubble float which was fun. The Small Bass were breaking the surface as they fed on eels/sprats on the bar. No takes for me so as Extreme Chaos was coming through Run i called them over, gave them some eels and pointed them over the Bar. I left them with Will on the bow of his Boat fly fishing for them.


Met Paul at 10am and we headed off in Neo, first stop saw Paul bag 2 Mullet to my None.


After getting some Mackerel and some perfect Joey Scad we headed off towards Y Ray (Paul's x ray). Paul then went on to catch about 6 rays to my none- Who's been teaching him? mad.gif I got a Bass of about 2lb on a Scad, then a Thornback of about 6 lb. We both got loads of Dogs, and small bream and a pack Tope.

Best fun was watching Paul catch a Ray of 8lb on his Toy Rod which was bent double for about 15mins, he looked just like Rex Hunt biggrin.gif

An enjoyable day with suprisingly good fishing- Cheers Paul


Had a great days fishing. Nice late start ( I am not one for these 6AM starts, especially after being out the night before ) and off from Wick at 10 AM.


First stop around the corner to show Paul J that I have really learnt how to catch the mullet ( Gordon has taught me well ). Two mullet later and two near misses we decided to head out for some mackeral.


Surprisingly choppy out but not unfishable, so headed out over the ledge and drifted for some mackeral. Plenty of Scad ( Horse Mackeral ) and a few strings of mackeral later we headed off for a mark I like to call "X-Ray + ", since I actually catch rays at this mark as opposed to my lack of fish at X-Ray.


Anchored up whilst there was a very slight ebb still and started fishing with a mackeral fillet on two rods. A few dogfish later I decided to try a strip of squid on the Solid-C rod in search of possible bream. Instead the rod bent double as I thought it was stuck on the bottom , but this was a fish - some 10-15 mins later up came an 8lb 2oz Small Eyed Ray - beautiful fish and a real struggle on a small rod.


Not sure the order of teh next fish but Paul J had a bass on a live scad he was fishing, so I decided that would be a good idea to try fishing a live scad. Mine caught a bass as well but it had swum back towards the boat and around all the lines. Still bass on such small tides was a surprise.


Then caught a lovely spotted ray on my Conolon ( squid again ). Re-tackled up and caught another spotted ray almost straight away. Then had a rattling bite on the live mackeral I was then fishing ( on the "toy" rod ) - reeled in and had half a mackeral left. Replaced the fish and same thing happened again but this time PJ hooked into the "culprit" - a pack tope.


So all in all a most pleasant day out and good fishing on what looked to be a hard day to fish.



As alluded to by Paul J, had a great run fly fishing for the breaking bass - it's a killer technique (first time I used it) because it's so easy to accurately imitate a sandeel with a fly rod.


That's real toy rod fishing - caught half a dozen schoolies and lost a fish of approx 1.5lbs mad.gif


Beats stocked trout, and I'm sure a 5lb fish would give a grilse a run for it's money. I loved it! If anyone can point me to where I may find breaks of bigger fish, I'd give anything...........except Ulitmate Chaos.




Nice one Will, i was extremely envious of you out there , it looked idealic


You need more tide for the bigger fish

The down side is that conditions are more difficult as you can get 4 knots of tide running through there. im going to give it a go though biggrin.gif





Last time I was out bassing there was a guy flyfishing for bass on Tomcat, a charter boat, out off the Island .We were drifting quite close and I was watching them, he was only casting when one of the outher guys on the boat was hooked up on a fish ,presumably for bass following a hooked fish to the surface. wink.gif

Which on that day they were doing a lot. I had a 7lb fish on nearing the net when a smaller bass came and dived in to steal the mackrel out of the mouth of the hooked fish! and the cheeky little begger missed first time and came chargeing back a second time, got hold of it second attempt shakeing his head trying to get the mackrel of the line and we very nearly netted both of them!! biggrin.gif


Tight lines





I don't yet tie my own bass flies, but I tie other sorts - I just bought a handful to copy with half a mind to have a go catching something on them. From what I saw and the patterns that werre working, a white mackerel feather would probably be perfect - though not very flash looking!


If anyone is prompted to have a day out fly fishing, I'd love to come along as crew (or we could take UC). I just don't know enough about sea fishing and the area we all fish to even find the bass at the moment!


Would an hour or two each side of high tide on a big tide on the banks outside Christchurch harbour find the big fish? It seemed to me the breaks were only really happening aorund slack water, though this mayjust mean the fish had moved off. It also seems that as drifting is pretty much required this may be the best time so as not to move away from the fish too fast?



in poole harbour yesterday when i was fishing from my little boat the fish were jumping just as the tide was turning i only had rag on me but if i had sandeels i proberly would have had quite a few.


i still managed to bag a 3lber tho so it was a good day.




Will, I have just orederred two copies tthe Glasgow Angling Centre fly fishing catalougue, it has the most comprehensive assortment of fly tying gear I have ever seen. The prices look reasonable too. I had Paul J in mind for the second copy, but when it comes, you are more than welcome to peruse, and if you fancy going halves on some gear, I'd be happy to share.


A good friend of mine, Ron Wilton, is giving me tying instruction on Bass flies, so hopefully I will be flicking my own lures at fish shortly, trying some out this friday out of weymouth.




PS Just orderred an 8 weight travel rod.....cant wait to try it out !!

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