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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Tue went out on 2nd high, off old harry bagging maccy, then out to whitehouse grounds for more moaccy waiting for tide to turn, managed some scad and a lovely 1lb 4 oz red gurnard on teh feathers. anchired up on a 70ft - 100ft bank, but pulled anchor twice, I had a really powerful take but missed it prob a strap or ray, as wind was picking up we moved inshore to off peverill point for some rays, fishing was slow with doggies, bream and maccy, nick managed a 7lb smut, but no rays.


I had a spider and then after a smallish bite on a flapper tried to reel in and was almost a lock down, 10 mins after hauling up a bloody heavy dead weight with my 20-30lb sauveran pro-boat and 7000 abu and full stretch, just as gets near to surface lets go, so either a big stone or a jumbo spider/lobster...... I like to think the later.


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