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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Had the Friday off work and was down to dig for rag / lug in Poole at 0530hrs LWS.

Spread them nicely between two newspapers with a bit of seaweed ontop to toughen them up, then spent the day on light duties - waiting for the breeze to drop.


plan was to lauch before LW at mudeford, avoiding launching problems of last week, and head down to barton for some night fishing. Got down to the slip approx 18.00hrs , launched singlehanded with no bother and headed straight out for the ledge.


then the fun began trawling up a few mackerel over the ledge. Didnt go further west of the ledge, as there was a large beam trawler doing nicely with all the seagulls in the bay over the back of his nets. Anyone else see this guy ??


I suspect the fishing over the weekend arround Xray would be pants for a while.


as I was struggling to catch a few fish, I was wondering whether the trawlers catch was destined for our home market ?? i've no objection to supplying the UK fishmongers, but where does most of the local produce go ?


Anyway, after a few hours of repeated trolling, until the GPS tracks were so black on the screen I couldnt see where i'd been, i had a dozen or so fish, and headed down to the mark.


Suffice to say, not a single flatfish was boated through the night, despite moving arround to a number of different spots.

Had a blond ray almost straight off, then a smooth hound (on ragworm!) followed by a few schoolies and plague of the spider crabs, boating a dozen or more of the criters. sad.gif


Every spot tried resulted in the spiders, and not a single bream. So different to the masses of small fish last week.


So Jimbobs Sole record lives on.... at least for a while.




Paul, there was smallish blue trawler working the area around x-ray yesterday.......bloody james still blagged a bagfull of species form here!!


We sat it out for a few hours after stingers last thursday, no ray, only a saviour of a smoothie taken on Rag. Have to try for the sole before they move off.




The small blue trawler was hoovering x ray on Saturday too, so after 3 days on the trot , as Paul says, will be interesting to see how the area fishes for the next few days. The boat was the sally jane , it passed within ten yards of us as we were drifting on saturday


paul smoothies are known for taking rag off of portsmouth some people say its a better bait so it proberly works all over my mate catches them of the beach using rag




Rich et al


last season we didnt target the sole until end of august thru september - when Alun J had 12 over 2lb in one session! - wasnt a member of the club then!!! so plenty of time for some balmy evenings afloat at the end of the summer.


I think its the first smoothie I've had down here - the list of species is impressive from this area, only the size of most isnt overwhelming.




Hi Sinbad


I would be interested in the tactics you use to catch sole.


I have never caught one yet and would be interested in howing how to start. unsure.gif




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