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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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took Pm of and headed to mitchells straight from work, where nick was ready to go, boat launched at 12:10 PB launching time of 10mins from leaving work!


as pasisng sandbanks, engine splutters and lose power, then slow down. 1 1/2 hour later with most of teh fuel system taken apart, and primed, and numerous phoen calls to nicks marine engineer boat starts and then dies again, 2 hours later afetr having most of teh fuel system apart again, (god wish the primer had a big lever) still not ticking over, anyway to cut a long story short, a squirt of easy start into some chamber and shes going, a few more splutters and then shes ok ,although losing some power/revs at the top end. Problem, Probably water in the fuel system.


Stil managed to go fishing and had some maccy, 1 smut, some bream, scad and doggies.


lessons learnt

1- keep helpfull marine engineer who services engine number in phone.

2- check filters more frequently.



If you are getting that much fuel through it must be in your tank, may have got in through the breather or the filler


so well worth having a look inside if you have an access lid, even if you have to dump some diesel its better than internal engine damage


if not drain the bottom of the fuel filters very frequantly until its gone.


Charlie biggrin.gif


Charlie, my dads friend has an arvor and same problem, he changed diesel filling tube and breather and not had problem since, also filling cap is inset so a proud one may help stop some of the probs.


Nick is going to change filters more often in first instance.


Yes we ended up that way late in the afternoon, we tried to call you on the radio, your in the shetty with the orange coloured top?, found the maccy plentiful, it went so flat but nick was pretty tired by then so regrettably we couldnt give it a good fish, on teh way back about 1-2miles west is also an area of broken gorund is this southborne rough?, looked like some nice features.


Charlie, my dad has brough home an extra fuel filter are these easy to install or shoudl we ask Kevin to do it during the next service?, its metal with a plastic bulb with a red float which tells you when to empty it?


that was me with the orange lid, not a shetty though. It just wasn't fishing that day. yep, that was southbourne rough. I don't pick up my new antenna for my vhf until monday, so radio wasn't on.




Hi Colin


Sound like my assumptions may have been right and the water is likely to be getting in from the filler or vent.


The vent should be well above the water hieght , and be fitted with a flash gauze.

A filler cap in a well sound like a poor design, looks neat but a worn washer and rain or worse salt water gets in the diesel until your engine stops.

Its hard to get a compression ingnition engine to light a fine spray of water, and the micron fit inside the injector's nozzles will not like rust caused by this water


1st job may be to check the washer on your cap, and make sure the well is dry before removing the cap every time you fill up.


Changing the filters regularly may also be a good precaution.


Fitting a water seperation filter in the line from the tank should not be to difficult, try and get it high up to keep it out of the bilge water and ensure that all connections are correct and tight, you do not want fuel getting out or air getting in.


Charlie biggrin.gif

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