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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Look out James.......... I'm after your sole record!


Like Adam, I was a little apprehensive with the winds forecast to be stronger than they turned out...........so was surprised early Sat morning to find almost none as I set off to get worms for a night fish [ and wished those boats out a good day with the better conditions]. Alarmed by the lack of tide...... the water hardly went out......I had to struggle in the stones at the top of the shore...... but still got some good rag.


Launched from Mudeford [ in the crowds] just before 7.....planning to fish the ebb at Barton......... but there wasn't one...........or it was so weak that the light southwesterly just held us against it; put in some groundbait and it just stayed put! Fished with fish on one rod, worm on the other....... and not a bite....three hours and not a nibble [ seriously thinking I might blank ] ; decided on a move........away from usual area........ used the sounder to find a more interesting bottom contour a bit further west.


[ NB. any regulars to that area....... do you notice how the bottom varies with the tide ?? On neaps , those 'grooves' at Barton are much less pronounced.]


Found a spot with a goodish slope [ 3.5 m down to 4 m.] .......... and still nothing until the tide changed [ about 11]........ then bites !!........ a steady stream of soles, punctuated with a few bass [small], smoothies [ v. small], eel [annoyingly slimey!] and little spider crabs.


Ran out of worms at 1.30.......... but total of twelve soles wasn't bad !!


Best fish........ ! lb. 10 oz. to tie with James's ......... but there are others there to match my 3 lber. last autumn.


Will try again later this week [ wind permitting]!


Tight lines,




fantastic - at last.

Well done Alun !


Last time i went there it was also wierd - no bream bites at all - and no soles either. i sat there biteless apart from the spiders, but kept moving arround as well.


Also on my run into the spot, ran parrallel with the shore west by a few groynes of the mark - also v.interesting ground, worth a try, perhaps.


next opportunity for me is this friday - its a bigger tide, and flooding all evening.







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