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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Came down bright and early Saturday morning for a day that promised light winds and calm to slight sea. Lying sods. I brought a new crew with me, a very old friend who wanted to try sea fishing and I had planned to go across to the Island and try for some of these bass that seem to have thrown caution to the winds recently. However, as we couldn't see the Island and it was a very lumpy sea that greeted us, a change of plan seemed appropriate.


First stop, my little hole off Hengitsbury Head that never fails with the mackerel and then off to xray, which was also lumpy, where we met Paul D and his host skipper already fishing. We anchored nearby and, having put a couple of lines out, settled back with cups of tea waiting for the dogfish to strike our half mackerel fillets. withing 5 minutes, my rod bent over most satisfyingly and after a dogged tug of war, up came an 11lb thornback, a most emphatic PB for me. After that, there was a slow procession of doggies which were accompanied by regular groundbaiting by my crew. As he was looking decidedly green, I decided to draw stumps and headed back to Hegitbury, which was no great improvement for him so, when Paul turned up he suggested trying in the harbour and was kind enough to show us a couple of spots on the way in. However, the fish weren't playing and it was very dull so we hauled out and went home at about 3pm.


A short day but, as always, very enjoyable and made worthwhile by the thorny, which went back to fight another day.


Nice to see you out there but it was rather lumpy wasn't it !!

and you crew did look decidedly peaky ( I wasn't feeling too great myself to be honest. ).


I was fishing on Manatee ( with Les L ) and managed to catch a succession of dogfish until you anchored close by and pulled out that lovely thornie 5 mins after anchoring -w ell pleased, it surely was heading for my mackeral smile.gifsmile.gif at least it proved to me we had the correct mark ( I estimated it from the GPS map ).


Still , it was nice to get out again ( although brownie points are now in negative territory ..... ) and I got a drive of Manatee as well ( interesting to compare how the 165 handles the choppy sea compared to the Orkney ( the heavier weight means it slams less but it is livelier to steer ).


Also, amazing difference in gunwall height ( much smaller on the Orkney - I can clean my hands in the sea easily on the Orkney but it is a long way down on the 165.


Have to say the 165 is impressive and if I were buying a new boat and didnt have a 520 I would have chosen one. Next boat though needs a cabin and around 20FT length and must be trailable ( I am thinking Day Angler 19+ or 20 at the moment )




We too found mackeral were only coming in single fish every 5 mins or so. In the same spot the day before it was teaming with mackeral, so I presume the rough sea have sent them inshore ( since when we moved to Terry's recommended spot ( where there was around 20 boats sheltering it out under Hengistbury Head ) we had full stringers every drop.


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