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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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We went out from Poole against the flood at about 7 am and as soon as we hit the Swash channel it became apparant that it was going to be far lumpier than the forcast F2/3 SE. Sliding back in with our tail between our legs we decided to drift an area that young Sam had shown us. Not having eels we baited up with some of Alecs top class rag. First drift and bang a topping wrass for Carol. Further drifts across the same area produced a stream of bass about 2lb (all went back) and some STONKING wrass. I don't weigh the fish as it just doesn't bother me but there must have been several between 4 to 6 lb HUGE!! smile.gif. The flood slowed and it went dead sad.gif .

Beggered about for the rest of the day with the odd checker and several tons of weed then joined a rowdy group of waterbourne tinkers at Pottery Pier for half an hour. 'Home James' was declaired by the crew so we burbled (good boy 6kts unsure.gif ) back to the slip, recovered and went home.



Mad Mike


PS was told later that one of Marks poser mates (Fairline 34 and dead posh) tried for Swanage and came back. Coast Guard reported F5 gusting F6 around headlands.


At least the second option worked out for youi mike. some nice ballans gather around that corner.


thanks for the left over worms, and nice to see you this afternoon


charlie biggrin.gif

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