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Poole Harbour - Entrance - Swash Channel

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Zzippy and I launched near the Royal Yacht Club at 7:30am. It was perfect morning, the sun was out and the sea was like a mirror. We drifted and trolled our way out of the harbour, past the training bank and up past Buoy 3. We then made many drifts down and across the channel in a zig zag fashion spending time near Buoy 10 at one stage wink.gif. Fishing was slow but picked up on the flood with a good run for each of us; we like to think they were plaice.


Although no plaice were caught we had bass, wrasse, bream, wrasse, garfish and weever fish (ouch).


Called it a day at 17:00.


We will have to give it another shot soon.


Nice one Chap!! laugh.gif


I saw a kayak fishing out from mudeford on Sunday, looks great fun! Must be an up-and-coming sport.


Hope to see you on the tide some day.




Be careful Chap!


I've seen two nasties there!


I fished a neap in winter of 2002 for flatties, calm as you like, but in only 3-4 feet and close to the channel. A huge ship came through displacing 20,000 tonnes or so, I'm told. ohmy.gif


Ripped my 'donkey', err, 'Ass' off the mark and bared the sand as it passed for the whole length of Hook Sands ohmy.gif


no -one hurt from the 6-7 boats anchoured there so far as I can tell, but I wish I had a loo on-board. sick.gif




Same time of year.


A French Reg. Princess App. 30' came storming in from SE, IoW.


Obviously knew where he wanted to be...........


No idea how to get there safely.


He steamed directly for the entance and past me by only yards.................


Came 'stuck' mid Hook Sands on dropping off the plane...............


= blood and goo all round!!


Just...................... and I mean just slowed enough to prevent major headache!!


Be safe Chap!


It's not you.............. it's the others you have to watch!

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