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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Not sure why I am posting this in Catch reports given that we didn;t catch anything worth reporting. The day was far from uneventful though.


Up on Sunday at 5-30 AM for a 6AM launch at Wick ( very early start for me ). Temp as I drove over the Avon was a chilly 3 degrees.


Met up with my crew for the day ( Steve a work colleague ). Saw Manatee with Paul J and Les at the slipway. Launched and attempted to get into the boat over the cuddy ... bad move as I almost broke it. Chained up the trailer to the railing in the trailer park and parked car in usual "cheap" place.


Absolutely stunning views as we steamed through the harbour - mist slowly rising from the water, swans cruising around with a beautiful sun rising behind them. Must get a photo for my work photo competition ( this months theme is "boats" ). Camera left in car .... damn.


Steamed through the run and off to the end of the ledge - like a millpond out there.


45 mins to one hour later we have caught a grand total of ONE mackeral ( and that was on the first drop ! ). Decided that we should at least give the bridge a go on the last of the flood. Steve fished the mackeral, I fished stormies. No luck.


Headed further out to the spoil ground where we found some mackeral and then headed east further towards St Catherines. Tried drifting with no luck.

Tide slackened so moved back over to the spoil ground and dropped the hook.

Fishing with my new 20-50lb Solid-C rod. I had a small tope up to side of boat and then dropped the bait ( was only a pack tope though ). Then a small bream.

Then a HUGE tug on the rod followed by a run and then all slack. Reeled up the slack and the fish took off again. 10 secs or so later, nothing. Retrieved and fish had bitten through the trace. Switched to using wire - no more bites sad.gif


Steamed back over to the needles ( which looked stunning in the afternoon sun ). Tried the ledge and after two doggies moved to another spot further along the ledge. Nothing showing so decided to follow Maverick back and head in.


Maverick was having fun going through the channel toward the run, easy I though ( only small draft ). Had an attempt to fight against the 5/6 whatever knots but prop was hitting bottom ( and getting steadily destroyed - not that I cared as I need a new one anyway ! ). Gave up and had to sit it out for a couple of hours sad.gif

( No water coming from telltail now - must clear out all the grit this weekend )


Eventually got through the run and up through the harbour ( 1 1/2 ft in places ).


Water at WIck was just at the edge of the slipway......


Went to unchain the trailer and found that I couldnt move the padlock and chain. Obviously the trailer had expanded in the heat and the chain was taut against the railing. In attempts to free the padlock broke the key ..... Luckily Martin had a hacksaw to hand, so cut the padlock off. Phew !


Retrieved NEO from the shingle to the edge of the slipway - easy enough.


Maverick was being retrieved from the "main" slipway but the trailer had gone over the dropoff. No chance !

I then offered the services of the X-Trail to pull Mav out. No chance - wheel spin on all four wheels. Smoking !

Took Maverick off the trailer - a reverse and quick pull had the trailer back out and then put the trailer into the shingly part. Retrieved after a lot of whell spin again and plenty of rubber burning. ( Note to self - X-Trail no good for 1 1/2 ton boat out of shingle ! )


Re attached Neo to the car and my friend pointed out that the hatch was sitting under the boat and getting a bit ermmm bent sad.gifsad.gif

Took boat off and noted that a trip to the repairers is now needed weep.gif


Strapped boat down and headed home ( around 4 hours late for "dinner" - brownie points now heading for bankruptcy ).


Expensive day out, financially and brownie point wise but still, strangely, enjoyable.

Re attached Neo to the car and my friend pointed out that the hatch was sitting under the boat and getting a bit ermmm bent sad.gifsad.gif

Took boat off and noted that a trip to the repairers is now needed weep.gif


What hatch are you refering to?

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