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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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What a lovely day........... did anyone else get out ??


Little bit of tide. lots of warm sun [ not too hot], and only a light breeze............ so it wouldn't have mattered if there weren't any fish .......... but there were loads!!


Basically , a day of consistent bream action..........still lots of small ones but a few better ones amongst............. a dozen fat 1 lb. + ones for the table [ stuffed with green weed]


Between the bream action [ Ledge area] a few bass , gar and mackerel added variety and interest ............. and two unusual pb s.....


* first........ a 3 lb + lobster....... properly hooked in the mouith on mackerel strip. Landed after a good fight in the tide........... my culinary imagination had already invisaged a lobster supper......... until.......... on unhooking...... I saw it was a 'berried' female............. so back it went !


* second.........a pb squid!.......... again, fairly hooked.......... this two pound, squrting big - eyed tube had supper written on its side [ Who wants a good recipe ??].


Lots of 'screaming reel' bites......... from energetic bream meant a busy day, plus a few ' mysteries' of big fish that take off........then ' pull-out'. leaving hook and line roughened / blunted [ back of a ray?? ..... or conger ??].


Lots of other boats out on the Ledge today.......... too busy to see if they were in to action [ but not much when I looked.......... they all seemed to move off too soon].


Fingers crossed the weather holds a bit longer...... I've got a 'full pass' next w.end!!




Hi Alun

I've had a lobster in the past too, caught fairly on the hook, but also a Seagull or two, which aren't good for the pot, no matter what the recipe!


Makes me think, you'll be busy potting soon ?


So, Still no triggers then - there's always next year....




Alun, with your love of suid/cuttle have you tried a proper squid jig at all?


btw I look forward to seeing the full recipe for bream stuffed with green weed in due course!




Funny you mentioned squd rigs........... I'm hoping for a trip or two to Weymouth in the Autumn......... a friend lives there and have asked him to research where / when; I know they get them off the pier wall at night.




Alun, I fished the three day weymouth festival this weekend with BB, and the troops are already catching squid both off the pier, and out in the bay, on a wreck consisting of two slabs of metal???? (Anyone know the name?).


Plenty of smaller makky and pollack were coming up with the tell tale squid nip in their sides.......so get yer boat down there!!!!




Paul, I think its more tide dependant than photo dependant. We've caught plenty of squid off the ridges behind the Island during daytime, I know winter days are darker, but we've still had them, I seem to recall you bringing in a decent sized squid this summer too.


I'll check, and post back matey



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