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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Fished the Dragons Teeth on Chesil on Monday between 3pm-10pm (LW at 3, HW at 10pm) no bites until sunset, then constant action with almost a bite a cast, managed over 40 whiting between the two of us, most at 1lb-1 1/4lb some pushing 2lb. Baits, live peeler, black lug, ragworm, squid, sandeels, and maccy.


Total tally was 40+ whiting, 1 pout, and 5 doggies.


Alas no sole or Cod.


Fantastic afternoon/sunset/night a gaziliion stars in the sky and some shooting stars


Depends on what you mean by best, seemed that any bait had a bite really quick, except sandeel which was least productive (so put that on as bait when wanted a brew!), first fish coming to ragworm with maccy tips (prob due to time of day rather than bait). Black Lug with squid tip prob produced the bigger ones and lasted longer in the water. Prob go with lug/peeler/squid next time to target.


Was hoping to leave bait in water for longer for something bigger to come along but the whiting were destroying all the baits

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