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I had the pleasure of Gordon "Manic Moore" joining me on Quest II today in search of some snakes.

The original idea was to fish the Aeolian Sky a short way past St Alban's Head.


The kettle on Quest II was hissing away nicely as Gordon pulled up at about 07:30 this morning and we sipped steaming coffee as we headed out of Saltern's towards the mouth of the harbour.


It was a tad misty so I stuck the radar as I was zig zagging my way up the channel as I realised that the red bouy over there was in fact a green and so on.

MISTY! more like pea soup and it stayed with us for most of the morning, clearing in time for a delicious brunch of bacon and egg rolls and more hot coffee.


As we headed towards the Aeolian Sky, Gordon suggested we checked with the CG that there was no firing and it was a good thing that we did check as they confirmed it was a no go area today so a look at the chart and a quick rethink sent us Due South approximately 8 miles beyond Durlston.


They were on the plotter, in the dive book, but I am bu**ered if they were easy to see on the fish finder, but what was apparent was plenty of fish marking on the sounder above some obviously rough ground.


In went the hook with (for once) the windlass working fine and down went two quadrauple squid bates into 135 feet of water and a couple of knots of tide.


Within about 5 minutes my rod bounced violently signalling more than a passing interest. A classic small Conger bite starting with a few short sharp tugs, nothing for a minute or so and then a few more sharp tugs with the rod gradually getting pulled over the side.

The words of Chris Caines rung in my ears, "Don't strike you ***(Expletive beginning with C)*** lift and wind, lift and wind".


I lifted and wound straight into a grumpy eel that spent the next few minutes doing it's best to get back into its lair. Several minutes later the eel had gone from grumpy to downright enraged and was spinning on the surface at the side of the boat. A sharp tug and we sent her back down to tell the others what the weather was like. Not a monster, around 20lb, but a good start.


The same thing within minutes and another eel on the surface.

Then it was Gordon's turn with a snake. The three could have been triplets, all very tough and scrappy at around 20lb or so.


The tide picked up and the bites dropped off so we made a move to another "wreck" with very similar soundings to the first.

Nothing for an hour or so, but just as the tide eased Gordon's rod bounced away.

"Dogfish" we both said and Gordon lifted into what turned out to be a bit better than a Doggie. A beautiful Tope of around 15lb lay on the deck and after a quick photo session he was sent back down. We were very surprised to see a Tope at the end of November, but this little chap looked just like a Smoothound, spots and all. It was only the razor sharp teeth and rough skin that gave him away.

(Edited - since then we now know why we were surprised - after seeing the photo we both somehow managed to miss the lethal, dagger shaped spurs on the Tope, errrr Spurdog's fins)

Next drop down Gordon was straight back into something similar, but this time it was a cracking Bullhuss of 12lb.


I then had a small Bullhuss and and a few small doggies followed and as the tide dropped to nothing Gordon hauled up a bootlace Conger. Last fish of the day fell to me, another eel in the 20lb class.


A cold, foggy, windy (steady 5 by the end of the day) and lumpy day, but fun (if not spectacular) fishing and very pleasant company.

Thanks Gordon, you are welcome onboard anytime.




Thank you Tom, I had a great day, especially nice to keep up with the skipper on the fishing front for a change rolleyes.gif . A nice boat too. I suspect I would have been a little more wet and cold on Cushdy sick.gif


Thanks for a good day



Couple of pictures in the "picture place"


sounds like a great day out shame about the trip to the sky but it happens


were you were fishing sounds close to were we were fishing a couple of weeks back and we had plenty of congers then and a pollack.


i would like to book my trip now please laugh.giflaugh.gif




Nice report lads, shame the bully wasnt snagged on sunday......120% specimen Gordon, nice fish. Also good to see a spur coming up, great fun. Do you need crew for sunday Tom......as yet I'm going to be a landlubber for the open!!



Nice report lads, shame the bully wasnt snagged on sunday......120% specimen Gordon, nice fish. Also good to see a spur coming up, great fun. Do you need crew for sunday Tom......as yet I'm going to be a landlubber for the open!!



Hi Rich


As you know, you would be welcome, but I have a full crew. If someone drops out I shall certainly let you know.


Currently looks lke crappy weather so mine is probably not going to be the boat to be on (I haven't a clue where to go in the harbour... mind you, I haven't outside the harbour either! sad.gif ).


Someone must have space for you?

Anyone got room on there boat for a little one (Rich)?



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