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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Now now Tom, superheros shouldn't be loosing Quests........... sad.gif


If yo are struggling for suitable Quests for Quest II I am happy to set one for you.............


To break the club Brill or Turbot record in 2005 with a fish equalling or exceeding 100% specimen weight.


There - now you have a Quest!


Up for it?

Now now Tom, superheros shouldn't be loosing Quests........... sad.gif


If yo are struggling for suitable Quests for Quest II I am happy to set one for you.............


To break the club Brill or Turbot record in 2005 with a fish equalling or exceeding 100% specimen weight.


There - now you have a Quest!


Up for it?

OK we shall give it a go.


The Brill is a possibility in Alderney, but I would think that the Alderney "A" team will collectively have more chance, however we shall do but try.


The Turbot, that is quite a biggun and seeing as my best to date is a baby of around 7lb I certainly have my work cut out.


...Mental note:

Need one months holiday and 4000 live sandeel's plus room at Armourey though the whole of May.

Need second months holiday, tonnes of ammo blast frozen launce and see if Chris Caines will let me lodge with him thoughout August. Oh and speak to Andy the fuel guy in Weymouth to see if he can put a whole tanker aside for me for all the runs out to the Shambles....





Don't be so mean Duncan let him try in 2006 biggrin.gif not much of 2005 left wink.gif


In fact the Brill record has only stood for a couple of months, and trips to alderney should give him a chance of the Turbot.


If anything is a quest, a few day trip to the Islands in search of Club records sounds a good one to me. and as Tom has done that before does this make it quest 2 ??? biggrin.gif


Charlie biggrin.gif


whoops - that is of course 2006....... sad.gif silly me!



Only fish caught on club boats qualify - ie charter boat caught fish are excluded. The brill, and many other, records would be somewhat different otherwise!


Personally I think you will need to keep a weather eye on the B team.........given that at least 2 other club boats popped over to the Islands in 2005 for a reccy and I can't see Great White staying away once Sam relaises that a whole weekends fishing over there will be only

whoops - that is of course 2006....... sad.gif silly me!



Only fish caught on club boats qualify - ie charter boat caught fish are excluded. The brill, and many other, records would be somewhat different otherwise!


Personally I think you will need to keep a weather eye on the B team.........given that at least 2 other club boats popped over to the Islands in 2005 for a reccy and I can't see Great White staying away once Sam relaises that a whole weekends fishing over there will be only


You never know, 2006 may see the Brill record fall a few times


I certainly expect this unless someone gets in early with a really big fish.


Please pm me with dates if you have trips actually 'scheduled' and I will see if I have a chance to buddy up. Not sure what I would do about accomadation though (depending on how many aboard) - still it's nice to have options!


Interesting twist to the original thread perhaps it will get moved soon by admin


I have had a look at the records on the site they both seem reachable


But I am sure the Brill is far larger now as I know that its been beaten twice by Peter Peck in recent years and is over 8lb


I will check at home later


Turbot at 9lb 6 is beatable, I believe our Chairman beat that by over 5lb on the charter trip to alderney last year.


Charlie biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


hey Charlie - thread drift is allowed on a fishing forum!


it would certainly be nice to have the records up to date sad.gif I am amazed that they may not be rolleyes.gif


reckon you will have the new boat ready for May? ph34r.gif

hey Charlie - thread drift is allowed on a fishing forum!


it would certainly be nice to have the records up to date sad.gif I am amazed that they may not be rolleyes.gif


reckon you will have the new boat ready for May? ph34r.gif

Was it new record of at least 100% of specimen, or just new record?




doesn't matter to you Tom - the set Quest for QII is to break the records with fish of over 100% of specimen weight!!!


as you perceptively observered earlier the current records may not be the real targets you need to aspire to in any event to meet this quest anyway.................


I have checked the two species in question


Brill Club Record now 8lb 8oz 2005 Peter Peck 170% biggrin.gif


Turbot Club record 9lb 6oz 2001 Peter Peck 62.5% biggrin.gif


Looks like we had better follow Lady Margeret chaps


not sure which side of the channel these were caught, perhaps Pete can enlighten us ?


I will send an up to date list to webmaster to see if he can update records


Charlie biggrin.gif

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