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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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My other half, Abbie, has never caught anything bigger than a Mackeral so I took her out to the A Sky for a bash at some snakes.


Fairly meaty tide run when we arrived at about 09:00 and 2lb plus needed, but the moment it began to ease the little blighters came on the feed.


Nothing big, but every bait was getting snaffled by fish in the 20lb to 25lb bracket.


Trouble was, Abbie was struggling to hang on to them and reel at the same time so after a lot of efforts, a number of fish to the boat and a load more dropped through fannying around I decided to come in onto the banks and arrived to what seemed like a car park with boats everywhere.


The chatter on the radio was pessimistic with not a lot being caught, but we gave it a go with the first of the flood and were straight in to a stack of pout and dogs along with a lone Whiting and a couple of small eels around 15lb.


Certainly not a day to remember for a regular angler, but Abbie was dead chuffed that she now new what it felt like to hold my throbbing rod and see a very grumpy eel on the surface.




Quote........Certainly not a day to remember for a regular angler,


Sounds a bloody brilliant day to me mate! Well done smile.gif


Mind you was it cold? I'm getting too old for this winter stuff. But on the other hand a nice big boat with a cabin, a cooker, and a heater sounds very civilised. smile.gif


Mad Mike


i day would have been good down to the boat at 8 engine wont start after 2 hours of cleaning the fuel line we left the yacht club half way up the harbour engine goes again anchor down fuel lines blocked limped back to yacht club on a bucket of diesel and dad is now taking apart the boat to find the problem




i day would have been good down to the boat at 8 engine wont start after 2 hours of cleaning the fuel line we left the yacht club half way up the harbour engine goes again anchor down fuel lines blocked limped back to yacht club on a bucket of diesel and dad is now taking apart the boat to find the problem



Somewhere in the back of my mind this rings a bell.........


Summat to do with cold weather and hydrocarbon solids precipitating in the fuel due to water that was emulsified in the fuel separating out leaving a sort of vaseline like goo. There is a cold weather addative that can be added to diesel to stop this happening.


I hope this helps.


Mad Mike


thnx mike that could be some help when emptying the fuel tank dad found pieces of rubber soil of the tanks we use to fill the boat with, so he thinks these were getting stuck in the pipe.




I just wrote a long and elaberate answer ref the fuel problems


Went down for tea and the post that was not finished had gone when I came back to the PC, about sums up my day mad.gif


The short version is, that the pick up line was blocked by a short length of rubber seal from a fuel drum lid, how it managed to get into the pipe end first is beyond me. any other way and it would not have blocked the pipe. but its gone now biggrin.gif the tank has been drained and wiped clean, system back together and tested alongside.

Dan and I hope t give it a proper test tomorrow. biggrin.gif


Thanks Trevor for the offer of a tow biggrin.gif , hope you had a good day.


but as I had allready syphoned a bucket full of diesel out of the tank I was able to dis-connect the flexible fuel line [from the lift pump suction] at the filter end and put that end into the bucket. The engine then ran well to get us back to the Yacht Club.

Handy tip for those with diesels if you ever get a total blockage at the tank.


I have now fitted an access hatch above the fuel tank so I can get to the connections and the tanks small access lid, I hope that cleaning the lines and the tank will cure the snag.

At least I know its all clean and free of the Diesel Bug, although draining the tank took ages.


I reckon that the Gremlins are showing their displeasure at me selling the boat laugh.gif


I hope others had a better Day.


Sounds like Tom had a good day, good idea taking the misses to a place with plenty of average size eels.

Wendy likes fishing for tope but is not really that keen once they are bigger than about 25lb, the arm wrenching stuff is for me and the boys she says. I WISH biggrin.gif

Glad Abbie enjoyed it mate, watch she doesn't get too much of a liking for big ones though wink.gif



Diesel already has an anti freezing additive added. It's good for something like -20c.

It was not antifreeze or freezing that I was talking about.It was the fact that the emulsified water content held within the ether/heavy oil formula, can in certain cicumstances allow a vasaline like sludge to develop. Low temperature coupled with a relatively stationary fuel can cause this to happen.


I was aware that there were addatives added to diesel in the winter months that help it to stop jellifying.


Mad Mike


Hi Mike


You must be thinking back in the distance past when lorry drivers use to light fires under their waggons to de-jelly their fuel lines.


Problem is I recall those times as well ph34r.gif





Hi Mike


You must be thinking back in the distance past when lorry drivers use to light fires under their waggons to de-jelly their fuel lines.


Problem is I recall those times as well ph34r.gif





Yes, your right I do remember those days, but also there is this thing in the back of my mind about this 'jellied vasaline' residue that would occur in coldish (not freezing) weather. The stuff used to turn up in the fuel pipes and water trap filter.


One would find in the glass water trap one layer of water one layer of heavy oil (no ether left in it as it had become disolved in the water) and the gunge I am talking about. It happened mostly on the standing tanks that held the fuel for the steam cleaners.


Mad Mike


Daniel was very under the weather today so we called off the trip. sad.gif


After ages waiting for the fog to lift I eventually went down after lunch, 30 mins running at medium revs in gear in the berth while I cleaned up, then a tour of the harbour at 100% RPM, and not even the slightest sign of fuel starvation, biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif so everything crossed that she is now back to full health.


I think what Mike is refering to is the diesel bug [MBG I think they call it] that can get into fuel systems.

After opening the tank yesterday, for the first time since it was fitted [1991] I was very pleased to see how clean it was, two bits of the offending seal and the odd bit of grit.

I treat my fuel with Soltron which seems to have kept it clean. biggrin.gif


Thanks for the words of advice

Charlie biggrin.gif

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