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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hi Paul D


Sorry but this new look appears messy


The stats do not add up, it keeps saying I am a guest but also shows I am logged in.


The menu bar half hides the forum name.


I only say this as it might drive people away after such a great start and growing membership.


Is there some reason you have changed format?






It's more professional looking than the last one, it's still too early to say whether it's better or worse than the previous one, only time will tell.


I'm still wandering around the site getting lost. biggrin.gif


Patience !! laugh.gif - it is improving as I get it sorted.

Should allow login correctly now ( I had to get the databases sync'd up ).


Let me know what you think.

( I still need to tidy the adverts up at top of forum ( they will be moving. )



Bliocks on both sides or left only ( or right only ). What do you think ?



Wow what a differance! biggrin.gif


Great, much quicker in loading both front page and forum.


Menus and top header look good


Agree menus on left only, still telling me I am anonymous on the who's online box just above Last Posts although I am logged in.


Well done Paul




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