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Hiya all.

I was just wondering if anybody has fished inside the Portland Breakwater at all?

On Thursday Speciman and I want to get out and do a bit of fishing(from the Kayaks),but looking at the wind strength we are going to be restricted on where we can go.

We have decided to try inside the Breakwater.According to some maps I have looked at there are about 17 wrecks to try.We havnt any gps points but should be able to find them with use of the map and Fishfinder.

The depth varies from 10 meteres to about 20 meteres in places.

Has anybody ever fished inside the breakwater?and if so have you any usefull tips at all please?

Many thanks.



Yes I have, and it's good fun too. BUT you have to pay Portland harbour dues. If not where and when you launch but a man in a boat comes out and asks you for your daily fee.


Any way the fishing...... Looking out towards the wall from the causway there are three entrances. The far right one has the wreck of an old battleship acting as a block just to seaward. The bottom is full of junk and rocks. this area will yield wrass, pollock pout etc.


The middle entrance brilliant pollock fishing if they are there. Drift in the current (in or out) near the Castle on the right hand wall. Fish with worm and keep the bait moving down to the bottom and slowly up. The bites are vicious and the fight like mad. The bottom is littered with rocks and wreckage so expect to loos some tackle.


There is also an area around a big concrete section of Mulberry Harbour left over from the war. This is on the right hand side of Portland Harbour on the Isle of Portland side about half way to the wall.


Mad Mike


PS the wall is further than it looks from the causway


Thanks for the info Mike.That was a big help smile.gif

We are going to launch from the Castleway slipway on Potland.But still think it will be about an hour paddle to the middle entrance.

Is there a strong tide pull through the entrances??Because they look very narrow and alot of water has to pass through.

Speciman will have his electric motor for emergency use.

We were going to use mainly big Squid and Sprat baits.But looks like worm will be on the menu now biggrin.gif

Manny thanks



Zippy, when you get inside the harbour, look for the floats that the dive boats have their shot lines attatched to. Also, there are a few giveaway numbers painted on the btreak water walls to designate specific wrecks. This time of year you should be able to tempt a Red Band Fish from its hole, we havent a club record listed for this strange fish......so go for it! Your main species inside will be small pollack, wrasse, pout and a plethora of minis's. Give BB a shout on here, he'll put you right and may sneak out for an afternoon with you.....depending on work commitments.


Tight Lines m8




Thanks for that Rich smile.gif

We read about the numbers on the wall,but didnt know about the dive floats.I am going to have to look up Red band fish now on the internet biggrin.gif I have never heard of that species.

I think I will spend most of my time just searching on the fishfinder to see what the sea bed is like round certain areas.We were a bit stuck on where to fish seeing as 12mph are forecasted.But we should be sheltered from Portland seeing as its meant to be SW winds.But we are determined to get out as its been a while since our last trip,and I havnt had chance to burn off the Xmas dinner yet.lol

Manny thanks.



quote...Is there a strong tide pull through the entrances??


Nothing like Poole or Christchurch but there is a distinct current at times. Nothing you couldn't handle.


I remember a brilliant spring day there once when although the skies were clear it was blowing a mad hoolie. Setting out was a bit bumpy but as we closed on the wall flat calm prevailed. We could hear huge waves crashing onto the outer side and from time to time spray pattered over us. But in the shelter it was warm and calm and we had great fun with light tackle catching pollock, wrass, and the first mackerel of the season.


Mad Mike


Zippy.......the red numbers on the wall are situated before and after the wrecks, ie the start and end of your drift. I'd plum for small rigs and small baits, you could try some groundbait, but there isnt much sizewise in there at present, all mini species really. Some of the dive boats may try and bully you off "Their Wrecks", but I guess you have right of way inside having no engine???? Anyway, tight lines, look forward to reading the report, as I'm down there next friday on a comp.




The fist entrance in the wall,closest to the old torpedo testing station {closest to weymouth] Known as the chequer fort,probably still showing faint white cheque pattern.. on the inside,seaward corner,where you musn't tie up to the rings in the wall [lol] the bottom in the corner is big blocks,, Conger heaven !.Dont know how you cope with them in a kyak,but you were talking big baits.I have also had [years ago] some very big Bass on conger baits at this spot....good luck and best wishes in your endevours...take care..jack


Thanks Jack. I'm pleased you mentioned conger as I made up a few traces last night with 8/0s. My plan is to leave a few squid out on the big bait rod if we can get near HMS Hood by the southern entrance. Will take a T-bar to release it by the side if we catch. I have never caught a conger before - they should be good fun.

Thanks Jack. I'm pleased you mentioned conger as I made up a few traces last night with 8/0s. My plan is to leave a few squid out on the big bait rod if we can get near HMS Hood by the southern entrance. Will take a T-bar to release it by the side if we catch. I have never caught a conger before - they should be good fun.

Crazed angler last seen franticly paddling North in a speeding kayak heading South towards mid channel. Cries for help go unheeded as the passengers in a charter boat collaps laughing. laugh.gif


Mad Mike


Thanks to everyone for the tips.We had a really nice day.Shame about the lost anchors though sad.gif

Its just taken me till now to recover from the long paddle.I was going to write a report but see that Speciman has beaten me to it.(Thanks Simon)

Its a place we will be trying again though.

Many thanks.


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