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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Alun J / Sinbad / Jimbob / Adam are the Sole specialists ( I have yet to catch one sad.gif ).

Night time close in to the beach with bunches of ragworm is the technique apparently.


Prior to joining the club I had caught bass and mullet and one flounder ( spawned whilst fishing for bass ) and a number of eels.

I then bought the boat and caught a beautiful bream first trip out ( more luck than judgement ).


Decided to join the fishing club as much for learning boat safety as the angling aspects. Still learning techniques but my catches have improved dramatically over the past 3 years.


Bream reliably caught now. Whiting by the bucketload last year ( harder to find this year ), 3 cod last year ( none this year apart from 2 on a trip to the rips with Martin on Maverick ), my first Conger last year, trigger fish, plaice on the shambles trip, sizeable Wrasse, Bass a plenty this year ( only had one the previous year, so must be doing something right ), Small Eyed Ray - Thornback Ray, Spotted Ray and thanks to Duncan my first Blonde Ray.

and my favourite Smoothhound from the solent plus a Turbot and Pollock on the Alderney trip a couple of years ago.

Not forgetting Mackeral, Scad, Pout and Herring.

and I thought I wasn't catching much either !





I know where Alun fishes for them wink.gif - have amended your post though as we dont want every man and his dog turning up biggrin.gif


( Worth reminding that this part of the forum is open to all - members only is best place for specific locations ).



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