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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Three questions for the PBSBAC oracle dept.


1. If I take my Zodiac and engine to France,Do I need anything to comply with French law,in order to fish from it. ? Licence.;Registration.: qualifications.Insurance.?etc


2. Is there a French equivilent to our National Rivers Licence ?


3.Does sea fishing in general require any licence or permits.

Someone out there knows the answers..The French tourism office did'nt bother to answer my queeries..





You must take your ownreship docs including the original receipt that shows VAT was paid when it was new.


Don't know about fishing licenses, but I imagin, knowing the froggies you will be "supposed" to have something.


You are also "supposed" to have your ICC to use a boat in French waters and also there is a separate inland waterways ticket that I can't remember the name of that you should have for using the boat in French fresh water (not sure if there is such a thing as French "fresh" water).




Just spoke to Terry, skipper who took us to Fecamp last Sep, he says you don't need a licence to sea fish, as least not that he knows off unsure.gif . Not sure about inland water tho.


Btw, Jack just how are you gonna get the Zodiac over the channel? You'll need lots of gas tanks..... laugh.gif




If your going to fish the rivers theres all kinds of rules and regs..you need a licence that requires a photo,obtained at a local tackle shop and theres 101 by-laws depends on what part of france.you cant even night fish on most rivers.Lakes are less strict(private land).

Sorry dont know about the sea fishing

hope this helps



Ive got to add,The only fish left in france are carp and catfish they have eaten,trawled ,netted ,caught the rest!!!!!!! ohmy.gif in the sea and the rivers,hence the by-laws to save whats left!!!!:Dbiggrin.gif


There are plenty congers left close to shore. They have no (very few) chartered fleet, so no one fish for them other than visiting anglers. Inshore they use long line or nets but they don't go anywhere near wreck incase they get stuck.




From Bleuboatdriver..., it may be worth mentioning that you're not going to wipe out their fish stocks going on past performance.


Swine..that hurt !![truth always does ] perhaps ,if required you would head the list of a guarantee from the whole club membership,to this effect,then I can take it with me.


As for fuel in the Zodiac Adam,It seems to run on 90% fresh air at 16knts.Unlike someone elses world ozone destroyer,that I won't name...zoom zoom.. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif jack

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