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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I'm looking at saturday 4th march for the second trip to Salterton, although I am off sunday as well, so can be flexible on the date. As Alun J, Dan and Sam C, and Dommy and Dan cant do week days, it has to be a weekend.


Views/confirmations please.


If anyone who made the first trip and wants a second crack wants to join, please do, as this wil be the last time before close season.




4th March sounds good for me, and im sure Dan will be good for that day.


Better get some traces made for some monster crocs.


Has anyone who is going got any long forceps to get hooks out, cos if i remeber Dan once caught a diddy jack pike about 2-3lbs and he tried getting the hooks out with some tiny forceps......i think 5 years down the line he still bares the scars from that pike.


Whats the score with livebait, are there many roach or anything about?




Lots of small fish for livebait, mainly greyling.


We took 3 pikes that day, 2 on livebait and the last one on spoon. One big roach, estimated to be 1 1/2 lb. Plenty of brownies, Gordon caught one around 3lb.


Just remember to bring plenty of maggots.


James' mate brought the unhooking gear, but as the pike are to be culled, a bang on the head often pays dividends before unhooking said fish, mind you, we have to land them first!!


There were plenty of Dace to specimen size, Chub, small, and grayling, small to specimen size, a few tiny trout, and larger greedy brownies, plus the bonus Roach.


The idea of the visit is to remove some of the Pike, as the river hasn't been electrofished for over two seasons, I'm afraid the Trout are out of bounds for intentional hooking.


Adams cracking Perch last year came to a curl tail stormy, fire tiger, I believe, but I've watched Perch of around a couple of pounds diving into shoals of fry, so they should take a small livebait or lure.


Maggots are a must to nab the livebait, Gordon had great success with an Avon style float trotting, below a small wier. Its a Brown Trout only stretch, and isn't stocked, so there may be smaller trout to be had for livebait, although the owner won't be too chuffed at us removing trout from the pyramid!


Sam and Dan will need to be collected on the way through, maybe if Billy is coming he can meet up with Charlie at Merley roundabout, just a thought. We will all meet up at the garage on the A345 Salisbury to Amesbury road, the fishery is very close to there. I'm hoping for good weather, but even if its dirty, the Pike should still feed.


Heres to a good session.




Surely you cant use Grayling for livebait......arent they known as the "lady of the stream". Its probably going to be a bit too coloured for using spoons or plugs so probably stinking dead baits will be the best bet. Half mackerel/herring/sprats etc.

Ill bring some maggotts and a match rod to try for some roach or dace for lives.



The Pike on this river seem to ignore deadbaits.I had one out all day on the last visit and not a touch.......well except from a greedy brown trout on a whole mackrel!!! ohmy.gif

There were so many fish in the deeper bits of the river,where it was so low due to the lack of rain,they seem preocupied on these.Maybe now we have had a bit of rain the baitfish have dispursed,so its worth a look.

I would go for a small a bait as poss As most of the pike are small I lost about 5 on the last vist pulled out due to the bait being too big.

Thats the hardest part trying to catch livebait small enuff.We were makeing do with 1/2lb graying!!!


Happy hunting




Ok Guys, saturday looms ever closer. The plan is to meet up at the High Post cross roads on the A345 salisbury to Amesbury road, at about 0900. We can park in the hotel car park so as not to clag up the garage forecourt.


So far, Les L, Dom, Dan, Alun J, and Kam have put names on the list. Do we know about Sam and Dan???


Tackle......light rods will suffice, I think that match rods for livebait snatching are too long, I'll bring a fly rod, so those who want a crack at pike on the fly may, I also have a couple of light spinning rods which have served me well on the river historically. Hopefully the watre will be reasonably clear, so bring lures, we'll try livebaiting too.


Small pike will be culled, larger pike shoved up above the mill weir. Any problems, give me a call, but please post so Iknow whos coming, and how long to wait at the Garage. See you down there Kam, you know the way.



Guest Guest

Rich- i need to pick up some gear from the tackle shop 4 miles away from high cross on the london side since all mine is in b mouth.It doesnt open till 9 so i can either stop in on way down and see u about half past or , if better for you, meet u at 9, find out where were going and make a trip to the shop later. If i do the former i can pick up maggots or anytg the group might need.




Hi Rich & Chaps,


Hope you have a successful day chasing Esox lucius.




Let me know if you're free Friday afternoon wink.gif


Bigguns afoot!! ph34r.gif


Not a fantastic day, but we did bag a Pike, well, golden balls did!!! I'm just glad James managed to make it this afternoon! We had some cracking Brownies, my biggest went five pounds, Alun had some lovely Grayling, and the Dace and Chub poked in an appearance too.


Lovely weather, and good company, good fishing. Heres to next year.




Thanks again, Rich.


Was only there for a couple of hours, but My Owen enjoyed it very much. We even managed to catch a brown trout on a stormy, not huge, but around 2 lb, great fun.


Many thanks to Rich for the invite onto a beautiful stretch of water.


It was great to get out in the sunshine and catch a few fish to break the February 'drought'. I was surprised how many we caught in the freezing cold water ........ but it was mostly the Arctic species of trout and grayling.


Shame I couldn't track down a perch ......... but hooked into lots of wild trout in trying..... none of those flabby , round-finned , farm rainbows here ... just spotted browns of all sizes ............ I had two that were bigger than the pike James pulled out........ and Rich had an even bigger one.


Grayling were fun, fishing float with a 4 - weight fly rod ....... with a few bigger ones amongst the livebait catch.


Les ......... you didn't take the pike............ so now I'll have to try one or two of those French recipes for ' brochet ' [ quenelles est possible !]. ; grayling are just like trout.


Bon appetit ........ cheers Rich,





..... none of those flabby , round-finned , farm rainbows here ...




You've been visiting the wrong trout farms dear chap tongue.gif






You're right......... not put a fly over pond trout for many years; but have caught a few in the Test which have varied up ones that scrap as good as browns.


Must try some of yours sometime. ??



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