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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Went out on "Flamer", with the Friday Fishers, our monthly species hunt out of weymouth. Fantastic weather, the sun even shone for us.


Started drifting the beds for plaice, no show unfortunatley. A change of mark, and rigs, began to produce fish from the of. Being on the back of the boat, I was able to bounce back, with lighter weights, and managed to sqeak out my first plaice, on the dropper. Not huge, but at 4lbs, and fattening up, it was a table fish.


All in all, nine species were boated, by eight anglers, 34 fish boated.

Pout, poor cod, plaice, bull huss, LSD, whiting, pollack, blonde ray and conger. Best plaice was mine at 4lbs, best blonde went 24lb to Billy Short, no other huge fish, but a great day had by all.


Heres to the trip at the end of the month.



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