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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Right, I need a big coolbox for the boat to use as a slushbox. The commercial guys here use the Saeplast B series ones, but they're a bit too square for the space on my deck, I could do with something more 'coffin shaped'. I have seen the coleman & igloo ones, but I have a smaller colemen and they're hard to keep clean. Any other recommendations? I have looked up FrigidRigid, Iceytek and a couple of other australian brands but they're even more expensive than the Saeplast ones, and that's without shipping!

To give you an idea of cost, a Seaplast B4 is


I have a coleman, it's ok but not a patch on the American one. A friend of mine bought one back from the state, and it keeps ice for days when the coleman was long thawed out.


I have two on / for Quest II


One is a large one, fairly square that sits in between my fuel fillers on the bathing platform. I built it myself and it is excellent at keeping cool, but is likely to rot in a couple of seasons. I put two to three fish boxes of crushed ice in it from Weyfish and it is still full of ice 4 or 5 days later when I return from Alderney, despite going in and out often.


I have just bought, but can't comment on a 150l Igloo box. Coffin shaped as you say. It is light weight and will double as a seat / store etc on the boat. The makers claim it keeps ice frozen for 7 days at 90 degrees F. We shall see as I hope to use it this May in Alderney.

Bought it off Ebay. Not cheap, with delivery it was just under


Toerag, go onto the walmart web site and see if you can find something on there, failing that Cabbellos, i think it is, if you see something get the serial number, and pm me, I'll see if my mate can get one back when hes long hauling back from florida. Meanwhile, I'll look in my Bass Pro catalogue, see if theres something there. I also have a good friend in the states who is a manager with UPS, so my shipping costs are reasonable. wink.gif




Gordon. So pleased I have a fellow convert,Would you be interested in my tobacco tin sized bait container or my converted salt cellar rubby dubby dispenser,?Both available on e-bay,at competative prices. wink.gif jack


Cheers for the suggestions guys, most appreciated. I'll let you know how I get on, but I suspect I'll go for a Saeplast and re-site the rod holders on my enginebox so it can sit in front.

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