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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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A Very religious man was walking along the beach one day

when suddenly the clouds parted and a loud voice said ,


"My son , this is God speaking ,


You are one of my most loyal subjects and for your loyalty

i will grant you one wish of your choice , what will it be ?"


The man replied , " My Lord that is easy , for i am in love

with the Greek Island of Corfu , so my wish would be for you

to build me a bridge so i can drive there when ever i want ."


God replied , " My son , the resources needed to build a bridge

of that magnitude would almost bring the planet to it's knees

which would not bode well for the future of mankind ,

please make another wish ."


The man thinks for a while then says ,


" Ok my lord , my wish is that you let me understand how

a women's mind works ."


God replied , " How many lanes do you want on your bridge ,

two or four ? "






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