Swainiac Posted July 2, 2006 Report Posted July 2, 2006 Once fitted and running, it takes 145 seconds to fill to overflowing. Quote
Swainiac Posted July 2, 2006 Report Posted July 2, 2006 When you have finished using the tank, all components come apart very quickly, and can be stowed inside. Quote
Swainiac Posted July 2, 2006 Report Posted July 2, 2006 I also added a small aerator on a strap on the top, it enters via a small hole drilled just under the lid, and runs from a 12v battery. This is my set up, we used it to god effect a couple of weeks ago, posted for Dan really, as I cant be arsed to drive over to his gaff and show him Rich Quote
TomBettle Posted July 2, 2006 Report Posted July 2, 2006 Absolutely spanking looking tank Rich. Really good explanation and great pics. Truly is the "Mutz Nutz". My only question is: With the down pipe drilled all round at 90 degrees, how do you get the clockwise water flow? Cheers Tom Quote
Swainiac Posted July 2, 2006 Report Posted July 2, 2006 Good question Tom, I have made a second down pipe, with holes in one direction!!!!!! Rich Quote
great white Posted July 2, 2006 Report Posted July 2, 2006 I have seen the tank its a good one simular to mine from GW with a differant inlet and the addition of the air pump My inlet has a hose cliped around the inside of the rim, which has holes facing down into the tank and a blanked off end. it does not circulate water around the tank, but it also has nothing to obstruct fish from swimming around the tank. I think the imprtant thing is Rich's point that the tank takes less than 2 mins to fill to the overflow, which in theory means a change of water every 2 minutes. That washes away any blood in the water and keeps the tank at sea water temp. two essentials in keeping bait for long periods IMHO Nice one Rich Charlie Quote
blueboatdriver Posted July 2, 2006 Report Posted July 2, 2006 What size tank is it Rich as I think I know where I can pinch one from? It's not one of those massive ones the crabbers use is it? In height and diametre if you can as I won't have a clue if you say it in litres Simon. Quote
Gnasher Posted July 2, 2006 Report Posted July 2, 2006 Rich, ur a diamond mate. I will have a carbon copy of your tank ready to go in a day or two. Bass here we come.......Or get your ass my way thursday and lets go for a silver. Ive all the bits already, hose, tank, elbows, etc....just waiting for the pump to be delivered. Many thanks mate and good luck with the op on your hand....u will be out of action for a while...(fishing action!!) Quote
Swainiac Posted July 2, 2006 Report Posted July 2, 2006 Simon Diameter is 13inches and height is 25 inches. It kept 50 x 5inch rainbows alive all day, I anticipate 10 joeys would be OK. Rich Quote
blueboatdriver Posted July 2, 2006 Report Posted July 2, 2006 Cheers Rich, sounds like the one I've got my eye on. I really like your idea as it's portable and on my small Orkney something you can easily put on and off would be ideal. Brilliant thread and I think that's the sort of thing that would look really good in 'Fishing in Other Countries Monthly.' oooooops I meant 'Boat Fishing Monthly' You'll have to excuse the cynicism I just can't help it Simon. Quote
Swainiac Posted July 2, 2006 Report Posted July 2, 2006 Simon, the tank was designed with a small boat in mind. Ive fished on many charters who have purpose built livewells flown in from the states, huge blue vessels chopped down looking extremely tacky, most of them do the job, I guess it was just aesthetics which made me think about this one. It sits in the back corner of a Warrior 165, direct access to the starbord battery, a shock chord holds it in place when you are doing "rabbit" speed across the ogin, and once emptied, its extremely portable. I do, however, like the idea of a controllable current inside the tank, something that the TEKTANK system allows, however, I still feel that a good circualtion is essential in keeping your livebait in tiptop condition. If the bait is spot on, the quarry is taken easier, IMHO. Whilst I'm across the pond, I will look at different diffusers, and maybe buy one to incorporate in my design, but, I must say that it works very well without this addition. I think that the overall cost for this tank was +/- Quote
Gnasher Posted July 3, 2006 Report Posted July 3, 2006 all pretty much in place, now for the daft question....its all ready to go, but where is the pump mounted? Is id dangled over the side? Surley not i would of thought...If it is, what happend when you motor to a different spot? Do you bring the pump out? is your pump partially or fully submerged? Also, why clockwise water flow? Is that very important? Quote
Paul D Posted July 3, 2006 Report Posted July 3, 2006 Rich, I have made a similar one now, still need to sort out my internal pipe ( ie. downpipe ), however, one thing I found was the 22mm top inlet connector if fitted the "wrong way around" then this leaves enough of the screw thread to connect a hosepipe to water tap connector. This means you can then use a normal hosepipe barrel connector to connect a hose pipe to the tank. Apart from the above very similar to yours ( apart from I am using a smaller barrel ( for now ) ) Quote
Afishionado Posted July 3, 2006 Report Posted July 3, 2006 all pretty much in place, now for the daft question....its all ready to go, but where is the pump mounted? Is id dangled over the side? Surley not i would of thought...If it is, what happend when you motor to a different spot? Do you bring the pump out? is your pump partially or fully submerged? Also, why clockwise water flow? Is that very important? Quote.......Also, why clockwise water flow? It is called the coriolis effect whereby a body moving in a rotating frame of reference experiences the Coriolis force acting perpendicular to the direction of motion and to the axis of rotation; on Earth the Coriolis effect deflects moving bodies to the right in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern hemisphere. Which means in simple terms that in the Northern hemisphere the bath drains with a clockwise twist as it goes out of the plughole and anti-clockwise in Australia. Creatures in the Northen hemishere utilise clockwise as a natural direction ie the spiral of a snails shell and the flow of water in a circular tank. It's 'tother way round in the Southern hemisphere. Me and Steven Hawkins, were like 'that' mate, we are Mad Mike PS Don't ask what if you get your mackerel from Sidney Harbour then? That's just being bloody minded Quote
Swainiac Posted July 3, 2006 Report Posted July 3, 2006 Dan, you can fix the pump on the back of the boat on a small plate, Adam has one on BW. Seeing as mine comes with me wheni'M ON DIFFERENT BOATS, ITS DIFFICULT TO CLAMP, SO i JUST LOB THE PIPE OVERBOARD WHEN DRIFTING, AND RECYCLE THE WATER IN THE TANK WHEN UNDER WAY. ooooPPPPPPS CAPS LOCK!!!! rICH......AGED 12 3/4 <G> Quote
Swainiac Posted July 5, 2006 Report Posted July 5, 2006 Mikey.......does it simply drop when on the equator???? <gg> It was a wierd thing seeing water flow the wrong way down the plughole when shaving down in the Falklands, thats the Islands , Mike, not code for nether regions!!! No, seriously, I will nip into the Bass Pro shop in orlando on Friday, to look at their livewell gear, and compare prices. If stuff looks reasonable, I'll purchase some bits to maybe knock out a couple of livewells and give them a spin on Ebay I'll also bring back some 2006 catalogues. I'll try not to think of you guys worjing back home, but I do know I'm missing some cracking Bassing weather Rich Quote
Paul D Posted July 5, 2006 Report Posted July 5, 2006 Dan, The plate Rich refers to is available from Christchurch Boat Shop - It is a Rule mounting bracket. I also have one if you want to take a look- feel free to pop around and view it. Quote
Swainiac Posted July 6, 2006 Report Posted July 6, 2006 What price are they over here Paul?? Rich Quote
Paul J Posted July 6, 2006 Report Posted July 6, 2006 (edited) Rich, i have one ( from live bait larrys) that is set at an angle that allows water up when on the move and the pump off, it would be worth looking for these PJ Edited July 6, 2006 by Paul J Quote
Afishionado Posted July 6, 2006 Report Posted July 6, 2006 Quote.........It was a wierd thing seeing water flow the wrong way down the plughole Coriolis effect......... A guaranteed conversation stopper at any dinner party A certain unarguable reason why a bloke misses the bowl when having a pee. Just try it lads, the next time you get the caustic "Can't you bloody aim straight" from the dear lady wife, just respond "Damned Coriolis effect agin' m'dear" and see where it gets you. Mad Mike Quote
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