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Mines a 6.2 though !!!! 10kg was going on Toms recommendation (think my boat has a fair bit more weight than a 580)....


If the concensus is that 7.5 will hold it, and onyone has a spare then please let me know !


Hi Martin


Mark has actually got a larger heavier, inboard Merry Fisher 605.

The recommended anchor is a 10Kg for his boat.


No real reason, but Jeanneau also recommend a Britany anchor. Got to say, mine is top notch and rarely slips.




As I understand it, you don't need as heavy a Bruce style anchor as you would for other types. I guess this is because is bites easier. Perhaps see Coddy's site under Other bits, Anchors.


I've got a 5kg Bruce style for my 17' 7" Shetland and incidentally I got one with folding blades, (like this but I didn't pay as much at the Boat Jumble wink.gif ) which should take up less space in my anchor locker.


Paul D, I wasn't going to mention prices to Allan, which is why I just pointed him at the thread, you heartless sod! biggrin.gif

Mind you, you have now put a good ad on the open forum to encourage people to join the club! rolleyes.gif


Bruce Anchors (also called FHD) are rated as follows:


Max boat length 3.5m = 2kg/4.5lb

Max boat length 5m = 5kg/11lb

Max boat length 6.5m = 7.5kg/17lb

Max boat length 7.5m = 10kg/37lb

Max boat length 10.5m = 15kg/32lb

Max boat length 16m = 20kg/44lb


The anchor weight is only given as an indication per length of boat. It doesn't take into account the specific construction of the boat which may affect your choice.


For an Warrior 165 or Alaska 500 the 5kg is the right choice.






your dimensions are similar to Phaeton


we have used various combinations of chain and warp in the anchor rode over the last 5 years and have settled on 16m 8mm chain (that's the link guage not overall diameter!) spliced stright through to 14mm anchorplait (octoplait) - nylon or polyester are both good.


anchor wise we have a 10kg stainless bruce (type) which worked well in the area, switched to a 10kg Delta to see if it was any better last year (one was available cheap!) and will be 'testing' a new design this year from the manufacturers of the Spade anchor. They contacted me via another forum and I agreed to try it out for a year. Again it's 10kg.

Details are here although I am going to have to check if they sent me an 8 or a 12kg it would seem!


You could certainly go down to 12mm anchorplait, or even 12mm 3 strand nylon, but I would have 12-15m of 8mm chain then a 10kg anchor


Brittany and Danforth anchors are good in sand and mud but, as Mike comments, they don't like any angle on the stock and are useless in shingle. Bruce do not respond well to an angled pull either - only 18 degrees will halve the holding power in most substrates.


A scope of 3x will normally suffice once the water is over 20m deep but

1. keep a longer scope when achored uptide of a wreck or reef - just in case!

2. in shallower water go up to a full 5 or 6 x; especially if there is any swell/chop


If you want to borrow an anchor to try it out let me know


Thanks everyone,

taken all that information on board. 12.5 kg Bruce being delivered friday, got the chain and we're going to use our rubbish rope for this year and change it next.

Will let you know after the weekend how we get on.



can we expect new forum area 'anchoring reports' to go with 'catch reports'?



allan, I am sure a hook that size will do you fine - only problems I have had with that design are amongst weed; sea grass in the med and loose kelp over sand such as found close in at Swanage and the Southerly part of Studland Bay - neither are exactly great fishign spots!


quote........loose kelp over sand such as found close in at Swanage and the Southerly part of Studland


I think the weed at the southern end of Studland and around the inward side of Old Harry is that fearsome stuff 'Japanese Sea Weed' It has a hrendous growth rate, no known chemical killer, and multiplies expotentialy via the millions of grape like seeds on its stems. I was brought to the UK in ballast and has steadily spread it's way down the south coast.


I can remember when all the water around Old Harry was clear and one could bring ones boat right up to the shore. This was in the 70's, 30 years later is is like a mini Sargaso Sea for 100 yds out.


Mad Mike

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